you know... what is y'all's opinion of the 2D and noodle ship? on one hand they are consenting adults in a band so it would probably match and make sense but on another the whole phases make them feel more sibling like with 2D as more of a father or uncle figure for noodle
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anyway not bad at all but nothing special either. I'm susprised this is currently the only Gorillaz comic on this site
Aw naw, not the Pink Phantom.
Been trying to get more into gorillaz lately! All the lore seems really interesting, and the songs I've heard are pretty good!
This comics good too. Nothing special, but nothing bad either. 6/10
Bro done got possed by a pink condom looking ass ghost.
Why are their comics about 2D???? I lit saw them their last concert.
nhìn m mày như đb tao
Windmill windmill for the land
Turn forever, haaaand in hand
take it all in on your stride
The world is spinning too fast
I still haven't listened to an album yet but I have listened to a few of their songs. Pretty good.
Is this lore accurate?
I eat 2-D ass
i never expected this
i did
Bro how are you everywhere
you know... what is y'all's opinion of the 2D and noodle ship? on one hand they are consenting adults in a band so it would probably match and make sense but on another the whole phases make them feel more sibling like with 2D as more of a father or uncle figure for noodle
windmill, windmill for the land
Turn forever hand in hand
Take it all in on your stride
It is ticking, falling down
Love forever, love is freely
Turn forever, you and me
Windmill Windmill for the land is everybody in
laughing gas these hazmats fast cats
Theirs a monkey in the jungle
Watching a vapor trail
I'm Telling on you