God, would you look at this pile of crap! Instead of wasting your life away on this garbage, come to Coach Frank's Skate School and learn how to flip wood like the pros!
Your my new favorite account on here. I'm gonna go go to my local skate park and tried to flip on my board and end up landing nuts first on the edge of it. In your honor of course.
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W for bro at least he tried to run away
not related but what are th ai ads those are weird ngl
The start of the comic lmao
does this guy have a hand fetish or something? wtf
what are those Ken Penders ahh expressions?
"And Bumblebee" Ahh self insert
this is my first work
First time I've seen a creator on MP, good work!
Thank you man
It kinda shows
Looks like you used to make comedic comic instead
Now draw her getting her GED
Hollow Knight Fan Here
its fine, a little confusing in direction but you've got a good spirit, you have the potential for hall of fame, I'd say just keep it up
Hollow Knight Fan Out
Fuck hollow knight
Fuck you hollow knight is awesome
It is pretty good, i like it
What are you doing son?! You better get back on that board, or you'll be practicing pop shuvits till the sun goes down!
can i do work on you
Good job
Coach Frank Says:
God, would you look at this pile of crap! Instead of wasting your life away on this garbage, come to Coach Frank's Skate School and learn how to flip wood like the pros!
Your my new favorite account on here. I'm gonna go go to my local skate park and tried to flip on my board and end up landing nuts first on the edge of it. In your honor of course.
this so UGLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fr fr
Oh we got a comedian over here
A gay comedian
Another corny self insert comic, I haven't read it yet, but I know this about to be ass.
pure, unadulterated chaos
I like it
Duh fuck are her hands so big
Look at that bitch!