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Én comics's picture
Joined: 18/01/2024

Nồng choáy

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Like your ass

Én comics's picture
Joined: 18/01/2024

cái ass của em

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Aw shit, she just fucked her dad to own her, nice one

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

ok theyre faces made me laugh tbh


Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
What the heck is going on? How is rainbow dash feeling the *pleasure* of her father in the future? THAT MAKES NO SENSE!
TheOneTrueGodㅤ's picture
Joined: 03/03/2021

why am i here

Perfect Cell's picture
Joined: 14/10/2021

What the fuck am i reading 

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
From Trim01,,It's a bit cartoony, kinda a buzz killer
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
I agree this needs to be more realistic As Patrick Henry once said, "give me real horses, or give me death"
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
I think you Missread something
Monkey .D Luffy's picture
Joined: 02/12/2021

glad chopper isnt in this

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
She should get those rainbow nips checked out.
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
Bannon did nothing wrong. He is the one who really cares about ordinary White American people. You guys should feel grateful.
SuperSonic's picture
Joined: 03/07/2021

this would be "some-par" good if this had good grammar. 

BLU Spy's Head's picture
Joined: 11/12/2020

You have proven yourself biased and are thus an invalid source for commenting on the quality of this comic.

SuperSonic's picture
Joined: 03/07/2021

I mean but its not invalid it's called a cool word that you probably wouldn't understand called OPINIONS!! but I bet you probably wouldn't have respect for those would you?

BLU Spy's Head's picture
Joined: 11/12/2020

You're free to have your opinions all you want.

But that doesnt mean they're right.

And yours simply arent.

SuperSonic's picture
Joined: 03/07/2021

Ok ok. When did I say that my opinion was right. I only said that the comic would be "sub-par" good. Also NO ONE'S OPINION IS RIGHT OR WRONG. THEY ARE JUST OPINIONS THROUGH AND THROUGH. AND just because I like my little pony doesnt mean I have no opinions whatsoever, don't think you are entitled in any way. (Bastard..)

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
Shut up bitch
BLU Spy's Head's picture
Joined: 11/12/2020

Oi now, watch the language buster.

But are you sure opinions are just opinions? If I were to say "black people should be enslaved again" would you call that a right opinion?

No because its blatantly racist.

And just like how a racist person is gonna have biased opinions on black people, you, an mlp watcher, are gonna have a biased opinion on anything to do with mlp

So you cant have a right opinion when it comes to this, because you are inherently biased, since you enjoy the show.

Horrible analogy, I know.

SuperSonic's picture
Joined: 03/07/2021

Everyone has different opinions. (Sigh) you know what Screw it. We would have none of this argument if each of us respected each other and our own opinions. If we as people could just respect each other for liking or not liking things if everyone got along in this world there would be no need for wars, hate, violence. I just.... can't. I used to be like you in some sort of way. I used to think the show was dumb for "little girls" but if people actually gave it a chance they would see how great it is. (I'm my opinion of course) but.. People just are ignorant. just.. Respect opinions...

Lord Warden's picture
Joined: 05/09/2021

What spy said basically means you are a joke

BLU Spy's Head's picture
Joined: 11/12/2020

Are you seriously surprised at the fact a porn site is full of based people who can and will laugh at you for liking a k!ds show?

I can respect opinions, but yours are more like comedic effect.

SuperSonic's picture
Joined: 03/07/2021

I'm done with this. Either this keeps going or I'm done. Goodbye. 

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
Come on spy I expected better than you if this site is really full of adults I would expect them to be more mature
Lord Warden's picture
Joined: 05/09/2021

everyone is faking their age 

Gwenpool's picture
Joined: 13/08/2021

Jeez guys can we chill out?!

.The Game Master.'s picture
Joined: 12/09/2021

no, I believe spy to be correct, taking opinions from someone who favors cartoon horses for ch!ldren just a little too much, as a reliable source is NOT a good idea!
