She's looking at divorce papers. At the end of the movie, she marries a different character not in the comic, so either this is how she's coping with the divorce, or he found out and wants a divorce.
Anyone who unironically only talks about "homophobia" is the biggest pussy imaginable, gayness is starting to take and overwhelm the "main demographic", which sounds good at first but now everything's out of bloody balance! If anything, nothing is being changed but the roles being switched. Now, there is indeed heterophobia AND not just homophobia. There must be a balance between straight and gay, not just one or the other.
Yes, as a gay man, I can admit I've seen heterophobia as well. We must work together, unify to face our common enemy! I swear on God I'm not being sarcastic.
If working with even parts of the gay community who understands means being rid of heterophobia, then I'm willing to throw aside my pride, no pun intended.
Anyone who unironically talks about "heterophobia" is the biggest pussy imaginable, being gay is punishable by death in 10 countries and is illegal in over 70
Trans people are the highest subjects of hate crimes in these here united states
You're not special for being part of the main demographic of the world, which have experienced no actual discrimination for being part of said demographic since the beginning of history
Sir you do know it's because trans people make up such little of the US population. Also to add insult to your major fucking injury looking at the have crime statistics of 2020 Gender identity, sexual orientation, and gender took up less than 24% of all hate crimes. So next time you want to come with that shit in the US do your fucking research.
In short, everyone is worthless. Straight or gay, you are worthless and do not matter as all things will end. You can still make a good time of your life, but don't expect it to be meaningful.
The goal of your mouvement is to normalize LGBT. Stop acting like you are special, it's undermining the thing. Be proud all you want, at the end of the day you are stil a human. A meat bag that will fade away in time, not different in value than any other meatbag. You are different in your identity, but who cares? Who does it affect other than you? But yes, heterophobia kinda feels like bullshit.
Thank you. I'm the guy above this idiots comment, mocking his. I agree with every word of what you just said. Also when you say "heterophobia kinda feels like bullshi-" I'm going to assume you mean it sucks. Otherwise, we're gonna have a problem.
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Never forget what they took from us and ruined this comic.
cuz it's based off another Disney Movie
Damn thanks so much!
No, but you are, heterophobe.
Right back atcha, heterophobe.
That pun was fantastic XD. But I wholeheartedly agree
Gods speed my guy
There's only one God, sir or ma'am, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that.