Enquanto todos meus irmãos estão se formando em medicina e se casando com belas garotas estou aqui, vendo um porno de animal crossing de uma polvo que cai na pika dum cara e eles começam magicamente a trepar
Lol just read page one and two. It's just like me and my friends! The other day I was at my friend's house (it's a boy but not my bf) and we were sitting in the floor talking and he starts to get up and oh my lord. I saw more of him than I ever thought I would see. His dick was practically hanging out of his pants and he said "oH mY gOsH aH Oh uH I-I am so sorry! ya know I just hate these underwear! they don't hold in the cargo very well... (Awkward laugh)... Uh... Well see ya later! It's lunch time you best be going! You can't be late for your date!"
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bro his ass never got the photo 0/10
Has anyone ever imagined what it would be like to fuck a sea emperor leviathan? Because that's what this comic makes me think about
I know how the deeb feel
Minha vida é muito triste.
Enquanto todos meus irmãos estão se formando em medicina e se casando com belas garotas estou aqui, vendo um porno de animal crossing de uma polvo que cai na pika dum cara e eles começam magicamente a trepar
do not the squid
do you miss her buddy?
Reverse tentacle hentai
You aren't right, yet you aren't wrong
FYI that hole he's using, that be where her beak goes
Lol just read page one and two. It's just like me and my friends! The other day I was at my friend's house (it's a boy but not my bf) and we were sitting in the floor talking and he starts to get up and oh my lord. I saw more of him than I ever thought I would see. His dick was practically hanging out of his pants and he said "oH mY gOsH aH Oh uH I-I am so sorry! ya know I just hate these underwear! they don't hold in the cargo very well... (Awkward laugh)... Uh... Well see ya later! It's lunch time you best be going! You can't be late for your date!"
*insert Lois talking to gorillas meme*
What date?
They went from "Thanks for helping me" to " Thanks for fucking me" real quick
why the octopus got tits though?
thats what i was thinking
dr zoidburg noise's
wana bet?
You wouldn't fuck an octopus
you wouldn't download an octopus
i might
If she was anthro, I would.
you wouldn't download a car
No, you download the files for the pieces, then you 3d print those files using a meta 3d printer, then you assemble your car
Bros a straight genius
from a mario game I think