Gaston, after being spurned by Belle, needs a bit of cheering up, but LeFou knows just the thing to do it, involving a song and dance number, as well as three promiscuous young blondes.
No... one... FUCKS like Gaston, no one COCKS like gaston, when you think you have a wife, no it's mine, i'm Gaston.
I'm especially good at EJACULATING...
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orange is getting absolutely wrecked the whole comic even in the title page
No one's comic makes me laugh like Gaston's
All the beauty and thebeast comic are funny as hell
Lmao this isn't jerking material, this is comedy material.
song is actually fire
Truhly busting it down sexual style
I KNOW, right???
I kind of want someone to actually sing this now
gaston busting a nut while busting it down
The title is great, everything else is below mid
hell nah
Can't lie gaston was a cunt and 3 three women in the movie legit were hoes
no one fucks like gaston, fills a slut like gaston, and when it comes down to it no one nuts like gaston
Obama balls