Author: SlaveDeMortoSection: My Little Pony: Friendship is MagicSwitch to alternative gallery Characters: Twilight SparkleShining ArmorTags: LesbiansRule 63Group SexAnalOralMasturbationStockings Select ratingGive Candybits 2 1/5Give Candybits 2 2/5Give Candybits 2 3/5Give Candybits 2 4/5Give Candybits 2 5/5 Average: 4.9 (109 votes) 126809 views Suggest tag Suggest description
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using "U WOT M8" and Shrek made die a bit inside.
What in God's comedy did I just read
Kinda just sully
Weird but easy to bust a nut.
I love you
He just like me fr
This is the quality I look for here. This will be remembered long after those weird af comics are forgotten.
"If i only knew how to read"
This is pure art
pg 28 you fookin twot [heavy breathing] that was so funny i lost my boner 10/10 would read again
... *sigh* well i have a person i need to hunt and turn into a pelt
Starbucks lol
"I fucking swear it you are fucking daydreaming about fucking me instead of fucking fucking me I will fuck you up, fucker. Fuck you."
Clop (srsly u should)
Some........BODY ONCE TOLD ME frikin derpy hooves face IF ONLY I KNEW HOW TO READ Plan! Lol poner. "Fucking fuck, I forgot about this shit."
laughed so hard I lost my boner.
I wish you find it back
this is cancer
This is porn with a a dash of - *accidentally spills a whole bucket of memes*
Memes + Porn = Me? Wait...
*Megalovania intensifies*
what the fuck was that
I don't play League or DOTA, sorry.
what the fuck did I just read
what the fuck
w h a t t h e f u c k did I just read like seriously did someone just fucking draw and write a youtube poop and stuffed it with memes
LOL is better