each other. Bet you ain't never even been in an open relationship or ur insecure about ur own sexual skills. Only betas care about who their lover is fucken so long as they are on my lap when I want them on my lap.
Idk I'm quite happy with how I'm skilled
I feel it causes problems in a relationship sometimes and if not handled right can be worse then not so I guess I take it with a more cautious aproch since I wouldn't want mine with another at all and I assume she's want the same so it's a give and take thing to me but hey you do you man I only care about me and mine
Lmao nigga I got pissed reading this shit
I'm like "Nigga shut yo hoe ass up. This pussy? My property. Only I can fuck you. Bitch do you understand? Cause if you don't there are tons of hoes in the street who'd love to be with me."
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chuck norris was born in early 1945 germany surrenders two months later coincidence...... ITHINK NOT!
So hot would fuck
Top tier story-telling plot
Fucking hot
Dude, yo art style is unbeatable
Im a fag
I am death, what shall you want?
im not even into the furry shit but like damn that was hot as fuck
What was
only beta cucks enjoy this
each other. Bet you ain't never even been in an open relationship or ur insecure about ur own sexual skills. Only betas care about who their lover is fucken so long as they are on my lap when I want them on my lap.
Shut up you fat fucking bitch.
It was just a made up story!
Man. This was a great story with very amazing art
Lmao nigga I got pissed reading this shit
I'm like "Nigga shut yo hoe ass up. This pussy? My property. Only I can fuck you. Bitch do you understand? Cause if you don't there are tons of hoes in the street who'd love to be with me."
You say it, this bitch should just stfu
Not with that attitude lmao
What the actual fuck?
Get rid of thos comic it's disgusting and horrible
What the fuck is wrong with you? This is great. I'm not seeing another person who agrees with your statemate
Ur disgusting and horrible