I know! The white washing of the porn industry is out of hand! I talked to some newly fathers on the issue. They had to go out for a pack of cigarettes first. I hope the infamous North American Pavement Apes didn't get them ironic or not, how or any which way!
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huang hoa thamn
Hello from 2023
I know! The white washing of the porn industry is out of hand! I talked to some newly fathers on the issue. They had to go out for a pack of cigarettes first. I hope the infamous North American Pavement Apes didn't get them ironic or not, how or any which way!
Love: Porch Puddings R Us
No one likes a downer. If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all.
isn't that why we all come here, to fuck our selves that's what masturbating is
why does she look so fammiliar
What are you doing here, go fight a Gibraltar or pathfinder
In the non sexual way tho
Man that was not a joke that was an real question
Holy Fuck! I didn't think this would become real