I just want to point out this one mildly frustrating thing one page there's swipe off all over her butt in the next page when she catches the lickatung she is as dry as the sun.
Yes, but as well as that, many tales of swaths of women being afflicted by STD like itching throughout their sexual areas, as the saliva of a Lickitung is said to cause severe itching that will never go away if it is not cleaned off in a timely manner.
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Did you know that when a lickitung makes contact on human skin, it can create a big irritated rash if not cleaned properly?
Bomboklat 🤯 🤯 🥐
where yo clothes at
When is part 2 come out
bro her expressions on the last 2 are funny, especially that "you didn't see that" face
just wait until she has to buy so much aloe vera
use double team
Hilda: ten out of ten, woundn't fuck again
Hey waitamuinut? Doesn't likey tunge have saliva that makes rashes?
that bitch really evolved into lickylicky, from inserting its tongue into an ass and pussy...found a quick way to level up my pokemon...
easily pringus' best animation. dude had no right going as hard as he did
I had no right going as hard as I did either
So like the tongue went all the way through her at one point right? She's like holding the end and it's up her ass
if you look closely it's just rubbing against her not in her so... no
Talk about tonguing
I just want to point out this one mildly frustrating thing one page there's swipe off all over her butt in the next page when she catches the lickatung she is as dry as the sun.
Saliva tends to dry extremely quickly, one of the reasons it makes for a poor lubricant
ill make the post i make in every pokémon comic i find that involves humans...
this WOULD happend if pokémon where real
Yes, but as well as that, many tales of swaths of women being afflicted by STD like itching throughout their sexual areas, as the saliva of a Lickitung is said to cause severe itching that will never go away if it is not cleaned off in a timely manner.
Where's my robux