The "I fucking hate my life" poem
Everyone has pleasures and joys, while that girl plays with toys.
Everyone has a dirty secret, but no one tells it like they mean it.
Now here is my secret, my blood and bones have gone to war, to destroy what one calls self and whatever more. To get to my level, which you never do, just look at this crap and do the do. To just die is not an option, so I resort to random concoctions, to end the pain and suffering, it may as well be buffering, but I might just die from dehydration, and that is an ok step to self annihilation.
This is poem is one of a kind indeed, what shall we do as we say or go forward to deeds. (I think), (my opinion) isn't cared for, marking my own thoughts and feelings forward. Jacking off to porn comics online, fine I also do it but I know it isn't right, know this, we will all start all bright things.
Big fucks small
Your lies travel faster than the truth
The ones who are at rock bottom will rise up
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- 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 brain cells left
My brain ain't braining
1 light
This series is kinda erm what the sigma
RIP Black and White Pages
Why is page 70 missing
Failed to Let Me Cum
Succeed to be the Best Comic in My Fucking Brain
Thing Thing is an Absoulute Fucking Masterpiece
the bathroom gag is always makin me laugh man
Been there to 🤣🤣🤣
the fact she learnt his name AFTER she fucked him like 20 times is astonishing
This is genuinely good I finished the first one and I'm funna finish this one
holy shit, THIS is how you do comedic porn
the running gags are actually making me laugh
what's going on on page 61-63
Yeah, like who are these people, i've never seen them before or after these pages
im only here for chloe x valerie
This series is surely the Peanuts with an extra step.
seriously how is pg 70 still loading this year
I think it's a joke page lmao
It's called: Nothing Better to Do. Like.. people work hard and wanted a break, you don't want them to take a break for once in awhile?