Some Anon asked "Why is her ass so big" a while ago and I gave a mathematical reason and formula, however, new data has come to light making my formula outdated.
I just... why the hell is he so damn small compared to her? I get that she's a robot but GODDAMN she tall as fuck, and for what reason?? His dick is so small I can't imagine it actually makes her feel anything
i think the power dynamic of a horny robot that could easily kill you is hot, and roxy's size allows her to have feminime proportions while remaining scary
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would you rather see a tree grow or a knee grow
2 + 0 is so hard any1 help me
Some Anon asked "Why is her ass so big" a while ago and I gave a mathematical reason and formula, however, new data has come to light making my formula outdated.
Her new canonical height is 7'4
This version of the comic hasn't been updated.
Makin it clank and clap before I go and paint her back
I'm a god damn freak 😔
14 + 0 is crazy. I'm not dumb
Ez math problem
Bro is the definition of lucky bastered
god, i wanna fuck er so hard
why is she like that
Clank clank clank clank
i know
There is no doubt that this is one of the best.10/10
Somebody check on Cubed, it's been a while without an update
Fr when the new page coming out
Dude there's a second one this one's over
So sexy Roxanne is most fuckable robot
I'm not in to furrys or anything but DAMN
I'm not in to furrys or anything but DAMN