The only thing I have with this one that it's complete out of order. U have to read it like 3,2,1,4 to make sense and even right to left. Maybe try to fix the page order and it would be better
Wow, never thought I'd see a Sasha x Grime comic, literally the thought never came to my head. I'm not even going to insult this one, I genuinely am astonished
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You disgust me
What have I just seen?
I don't know, but what ever it is, I wanna unsee it, DeSpRaTeLy...
Your ugly dick.
I'm not sure if I can have one
Not hot but it's wholesome
weird porn, but wholesome, 6/10
we should not judge people based on outward appearances, what a kind fellow.
Yeah, her daughters are real cuties.
The fuck?
Surprisingly wholesome ending, not bad
Thank God cross breeding doesn't we would probably be having some fuxked up shit around
not the worst comic ive seen 6/10
The only thing I have with this one that it's complete out of order. U have to read it like 3,2,1,4 to make sense and even right to left. Maybe try to fix the page order and it would be better
oh shit i heard a Christmas song outside
nice hat!
I chose the fluffiest one
Very fluffy, indeed!
Thanks possible killer!
How bad is the context?
This is... perplexing...
Wow, never thought I'd see a Sasha x Grime comic, literally the thought never came to my head. I'm not even going to insult this one, I genuinely am astonished
Was this posted out of order? The sequence of events feels disjointed.
Froggy abominations.
Honestly... I have literally no idea how to think about this. It's not the worst thing on the site, but the implications are... disturbing (kinda)
its actually much better than i was expecting. kewl, Œ/♦