This is a parody of Suzy from Mortem3r (or Game Grumps), proof? you may ask, well, my friend, Arin and Dan [although only appearing on one or two slides] are referenced in the comic in the form of Arnold and Daneem
Proof of characters referencing the real people (A thesis by Anonymous (not verified)) :
1) Daneem is Dan from Game Grumps:
It is known that Dan from game grumps is Jewish and to prove that Daneem is Dan from game grumps I researched this to prove that they are each other and have informed you with this mini thesis:
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Good art. Good Story.
Did the artist quit or sum? this comic has been 'ongoing' for years and its the same with all their other comics
He fucking died man
when she realizes she's still live
We're the goth people at an tryina bang
this behavior is why Natsuki is better
i'm already goin so bet
Fuck yeah I'm down
Making smut of real people is not okay. These people have families.
I'm pretty sure that's a made up youtuber.
This is a parody of Suzy from Mortem3r (or Game Grumps), proof? you may ask, well, my friend, Arin and Dan [although only appearing on one or two slides] are referenced in the comic in the form of Arnold and Daneem
Proof of characters referencing the real people (A thesis by Anonymous (not verified)) :
1) Daneem is Dan from Game Grumps:
It is known that Dan from game grumps is Jewish and to prove that Daneem is Dan from game grumps I researched this to prove that they are each other and have informed you with this mini thesis:
Bros school assignment was to analyze a porn comic