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Steven's Desire 2

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Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Mamma mia

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

When I saw yellow diamond In human form I couldn't help stroking it

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Art isn't bad but this is missing a tag... Incest? I think?

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

True, they are his aunties after all

His very big sexy aunties...

Jack Daniels's picture
Joined: 05/03/2023

Am I the only one who believe this comic's art style is awfully similar to A Night with Loona's?

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Isn't it the same guy?

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

not really. It's a popular theory that Jizoku and Harkart are the same person under different usernames.

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Holy moly look at yellow diamond

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I know this is your own drawing style but all I see is stick people with added clothes and stuff

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Why is the website back ground is suddenly bluer than normal

Anonymous (not verified)
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Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Short haired is an infinite plus. Let him cook.

Will Smith's picture
Joined: 06/07/2021

Couldn't agree more dear Annon.

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Bro shouldve made amazing surprise 3 instead of this shit

4+0 btw

Én comics's picture
Joined: 18/01/2024

I hate WW3 đâu rồi?

I hate WW3's picture
Joined: 19/01/2024


hi! i'm here, what did you call me here for? Is it all GSR here?

Én comics's picture
Joined: 18/01/2024

Ô! Tường lão ghét đã bay não rồi chứ? TRUYỆN TRANH OK ViP NEXXXXXTTTTT!!!!!!!!!

I hate WW3's picture
Joined: 19/01/2024


Én comics's picture
Joined: 18/01/2024

À KHÔNG! không có gì! Tôi hỏi bạn một chút pfp của bạn là ai thế và đây là pfp thứ mấy rồi?

I hate WW3's picture
Joined: 19/01/2024

yeah! It's Bixbite and Niffty fusion and I'm using it this is my 5.0 pfp, doesn't look bad on a black guy.

Én comics's picture
Joined: 18/01/2024

Ước gì kiếp sau tao muốn trở thành người da đen


Tôi đang 11.3

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

That's it, I've waited a lot and that's it??

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

So is Amazing Surprise a dead series or does HarkArt plan on continuing it?

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

They are probably juggling this and amazing suprprise. After this finishes they'll make amazing surprise 3.

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

It will probably continue but first they have to finish this comic 

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Dead imo.

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

yes please do 

warrenselection's picture
Joined: 13/03/2023

Does anyone know where to find the rest of the new pages like 16-21?

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

He has an official sight where he posts his stuff. Just look up HarkArt.

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

we need a real connie now🗣️
