Ok so girl meets some supposed magical fairy or some shit goes to some random place where she sees k**s fucking and murderers some random guy then leaves
Ah illiteracy, this is Tale of Tales. Not even close to Tale of Tails! Seriously that pun has no original "not stolen" ground to stand on. Ever hear of Dust? It does it too, a tale is a story and animals often have Tails haha you made a funny. Surprising you were able to post your comment since it requires math.
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Ok so girl meets some supposed magical fairy or some shit goes to some random place where she sees k**s fucking and murderers some random guy then leaves
what the fuck.
Ầu shiệt!
Actually pretty good 8.5/10
She won!!
If only it were not lolicon...
Why did you click on it if you don't like loli? You know there's something called tags
do you no de wea
Plants are not and never will be sexy.
Cope and seethe
Sometimes sucide is the right choice
the only reason why people click on this comic is because they confuse the title with Tale Of Tails
This Comic is a Fucking War Crime, I'd Rather get Pegged to death by a Horse like that Boeing Engineer
這傢伙有滴水 (this guy have drip)
I always agree with you, but this is a little too far...
pardon thyne fucketh?
idk, wtf, is going on. More confusing than the hidden unmarked quests.
Ah illiteracy, this is Tale of Tales. Not even close to Tale of Tails! Seriously that pun has no original "not stolen" ground to stand on. Ever hear of Dust? It does it too, a tale is a story and animals often have Tails haha you made a funny. Surprising you were able to post your comment since it requires math.
You can literally upload your own
Yeah because there has never been a comic/book with the same name...