Hey troons in the comments hihi. You will never be a women, at a gene level right to the bones you will forever be a man... tic tok the 50% is calling.
I don't want to be a women it's just something about an animated women with a dick fucking another animated women without a dick turns us men on but if we see a irl trannie it turns us off cause that shits disgusting
Chicks with dicks and dudes with vaginas should burn in hell along with the gays,, kill the transvestites! Kill the transvestites!! Kill the transvestites!!!
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Dude what?
Mid 5.-7×4≡8/10
Meh 5/10
Who should I shoot? The FUTA or the normal?
Both? Both is good
The normal
The end ist never the end
I'm scared
Love it
Is this like an ongoing comic or no? Asking for a friend of course.
Hey troons in the comments hihi. You will never be a women, at a gene level right to the bones you will forever be a man... tic tok the 50% is calling.
I don't want to be a women it's just something about an animated women with a dick fucking another animated women without a dick turns us men on but if we see a irl trannie it turns us off cause that shits disgusting
Shut up edgelord
you just call anyone who doesnt agree with you edgelord haha what he is saying is facts hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh like it or not.
transphobes are so dumb lol
As a wise Ted once said
"There are chicks with d*s. Only guys with tits."
Ragebait successfully
Fuck You
why the hell are you even on this site. you say beinning lgbtq+ is a sin as you are literally sinning right now
YES, these mentally ill indivisuals are going agaisnt Gods deseign if they dont repent they will burn in the hell fire