Like we all agree this is like super maga racist right becouse it plays on the "dangerus black people being dominated" thing in porn, this is like white supremacists dream
This not racist at all and even if u think it is what do u expect this a porn site with loli porn and other messed up shit this barely even close to bad
BLM is a racist hypocritical hate group they spout all this bullshit about white people attacking them then go and attack the white man BLM is nothing but a front for revenge they are very angry people.
Also this porn comic isn't racist
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Fat white republican blackmails and assaults black women. And how is this not racist? Fuckin fetishists man.
Every comic on here has a fetish of some sort. Don't pretend to be superior
Like we all agree this is like super maga racist right becouse it plays on the "dangerus black people being dominated" thing in porn, this is like white supremacists dream
Its racist also no you just hate black people and think there a danger to the white race
No becouse that would be also racist becouse it dehumanizes black man
What is with these blm comments it's porn. Do people think porn is gonna be family friendly or something
You have a point
Everybody's used to the black guy and white girl
Everybody's used to the black guy and white girl aren't they
Let me guess, you're white?
Comments are a pain
not my taste
this shit look ugly as fuck ngl
Wow, i hate racist porn. God.
These two black women are too tempting. I want to grill their boobs, then eat them while enjoying their howls.
My pussy is so wet from this I want a monster cock in my pussy and ass
Bend over
Ill shove my dick in your ass,only if you want it?
all you small pp cucks thinking this is racist go back to blowing your moms boyfriends please spare us the misinformation
i like the drawings