Women with some sort of agency or power to their name always seems to attract the most repulsive of people who want to "take them down a peg" so I'm not usually surprised atp.
I love toph she's the sexiest girl ever. I would've tried to impregnate her every day(even though she can't yet get pregnant) The comic was very shit and I'm angry how you could treat my toph like that. Poor tophy you shall be killed from the drake snake. Short comic and very bad treatment of toph. 1/5 cause lol and I stuff always gets 1+
You visited this comic hours ago and again just to comment on my comment.
You're a dirty hypocrite you also gooned to toph. You are always in lol and I comics, you love it like almost all of these people here. Because it's the best media everr
Correct, 'just to comment on my comment" you're giving yourself to much credit. The crying the animals do in the comment is what brings me back.
Correct again, you have/you've*. That's just objectively false, 'love" what i love is the pearl-clutching these animals do. 'best media everr" ever* also that belongs to rape.
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isnt she like ultra powerful this shit would never happen bro
Brat needs to be corrected and shown her place indeed. There's nothing like breaking a strong willed female by breeding her into submission.
Why are most toph comics just her getting raped?
Women with some sort of agency or power to their name always seems to attract the most repulsive of people who want to "take them down a peg" so I'm not usually surprised atp.
attract* & the most repulsive of people that* want to.

Grammar mistakes? On my comment? You must be imagining things Turtle
Breed that little whore
Hey Satan is my grandad in hell?
He should go to the deepest floor
Ugh disgusting🤢🤮
Wtf this guy needs to hang himself you could of just made her a adult
Don't utter such Heresy. You disgusting monster. Shes perfect as she is. I would've made her look ever younger out of spite to you.
Author, hang yourself pls
And that's a good way to kill a boner.
check outside man, I got a gift for ya
Shadman really trying to pull up with an alt account like we don't know his ass
Nice try shadman
I love toph she's the sexiest girl ever. I would've tried to impregnate her every day(even though she can't yet get pregnant) The comic was very shit and I'm angry how you could treat my toph like that. Poor tophy you shall be killed from the drake snake. Short comic and very bad treatment of toph. 1/5 cause lol and I stuff always gets 1+
To the so called 'mods", this right 'ere is why you should be able to tell these animals to [REDACTED] themselves.

You visited this comic hours ago and again just to comment on my comment.
You're a dirty hypocrite you also gooned to toph. You are always in lol and I comics, you love it like almost all of these people here. Because it's the best media everr
Correct, 'just to comment on my comment" you're giving yourself to much credit. The crying the animals do in the comment is what brings me back.
Correct again, you have/you've*. That's just objectively false, 'love" what i love is the pearl-clutching these animals do. 'best media everr" ever* also that belongs to rape.
God I forgot how annoying Ova can get