Crazy how y'all outraged about the gay stuff and not about this being cub porn. Like if it is a furry comic with more than one male there is a good chance that it's finna be gay. Furries are like 50% gay after all
Now I know many are here just to say that this is your typical filth, but I will say outside of the obvious sexual stuff the story was amazing, weirdly had me invested in how it turned out, would have been better if it wasn't sexual but still, good comic holy shit
I pray to the holy bleach that my mind soul and eyes may be clean from the filth of this mortal realm... and when the jugdement day arives i shall be spared and given mercy... for i lay my self to you the holy bleach. in the name of cleanlyness AMEN!
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Crazy how y'all outraged about the gay stuff and not about this being cub porn. Like if it is a furry comic with more than one male there is a good chance that it's finna be gay. Furries are like 50% gay after all
the author should kil themselves this shit gay af
What are those eyes
the eyes of a madman
Yo someone get an ai song about blowing your brains out or depression of something man we all need it right now
Page 12: why he grabbin his dick like that tho
What the fuck is this
Edit: hi there this is my comment and I’m gust saying who ever the fuck made this comic as to be drake or this is drakes favorite porncomic
Bro i didn't know gay stuff was gonna happen here:(
Same :(
This got me horny af
youre not alone
Wait, is hymn trans or just a femboy? I think trans but I'm not exactly sure since their pronouns are never said.
They do say he
do chapter 3
a 3
Yo can I get a chapter 2 on this?
You’re the first person to ask for part 2 well they made a number 2 it’s like chapter 2
Gotta love 18 year old high school seniors exploring each other's bodies
Are they?
That's the joke...
Now I know many are here just to say that this is your typical filth, but I will say outside of the obvious sexual stuff the story was amazing, weirdly had me invested in how it turned out, would have been better if it wasn't sexual but still, good comic holy shit
Welcome to the internet bois, just don't ask questions
You know its bad when even bleach needs bleach
I need holy bleach for my eyes because my friend recommended this
I pray to the holy bleach that my mind soul and eyes may be clean from the filth of this mortal realm... and when the jugdement day arives i shall be spared and given mercy... for i lay my self to you the holy bleach. in the name of cleanlyness AMEN!