The fact that perry took the job for a delivery guy so they dont a hassle doing the delivery of walking up 200 floors to doofensmirtz apartment is so Nice.
people generally don't care. the line is secretly drawn at like 15/16 but few people openly acknowledge that. some people draw the line much lower, some not at all.
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The fact that perry took the job for a delivery guy so they dont a hassle doing the delivery of walking up 200 floors to doofensmirtz apartment is so Nice.
Hermit Moth does not deserve the hate
The only good part was when Perry was mentioned
Report: Ca.S. 2., 9., 10., 13. & 24.
One can only imagine what Dan Povenmire would say if he read this...
even Perry works for Amazon now
how the mighty have fallen
Damn, candice never had a chance
I'm suprised people aren't realizing that she's still a teen
bold of you to assume that the internet cares
its been 16 years
people generally don't care. the line is secretly drawn at like 15/16 but few people openly acknowledge that. some people draw the line much lower, some not at all.
Hey I didn't order a-
A delivery Platypus??
Hold up there's someone at the door
A delivery platypus
Perry the delivery platypus.
It's wild how little comics Vanessa has, considering the she's a moody goth girl the internet should go wild with comics like with raven or shego
It's prob cuz she's a teenager
Bro there's very... "little" furry porn
Has that really ever stopped the internet before?
Where my boy Ferb at?
i see no propaganda on here...
can it be?
Jeremy would NEVER
Vanessa would never
Rip Candace lol
Screw Candace. RIP Ferb
Damn does Hermitmoth hate to take mainstream routes sometimes
I mean he hasn't drawn flame princess yet so pretty sure he has favorites
Never really watched the show too much but what I can gleam from the other comments is that this shit is wack as fuck
what is this ship bro
Honestly, the ship is bizarre. Have we even ever seen these two characters interact with each other?