All of the characters are from the webcomic Dumbing of Age, or the comic Shortpacked!, both created by David Willis. Shortpacked! takes place in the Walkyverse (a series of other comics) and Dumbing of Age takes place in the Dumbiverse (a universe comprised of characters from the Walkyverse reimagined as college students attending the school Willis went to). All of the stories except for the second and third one take place in the Dumbiverse, and feature characters that are in college, whereas the other two feature characters in their 30s.
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this is acirema
Great comic until the fags showed up.
Bro shut up
This gives me Scott vibes. It's cute :)
god frikin dammit, not the frikin amongus condom again
Is this what ranked competitive sex is like?
It's fucking Canon.
It's Canon fucking.
Is it just me or does the math teacher look like the fallout vault boy
from fallout shelter yes when you're vaults going to hell
i like
Girls make sex juices xd
Tags:lesbian,oral sex
*starts with straight porn*
not CUMplaining though
I wish this happened to me
Ahhh at what this bassed on?
I had a gr8 who laughed during sex
Duming of age I think
Much, much better than the actual comic it's based on.
Actually these are canon and are in continuity