Year: 2019
Censorship: No
Developer/Publisher: Team Nimbus
Platform: Windows
Version: v0.1.1.1b
Language: English
System requirements:
OS: Windows
RAM: 512MB
Cloud Meadow is a hybrid farming sim dungeon crawler, where the player can choose the solitude of a quiet sky high farm or the rushing adrenaline of a raging battle inside abandoned ruins, both of which benefit one another.
Experience thrilling turn based combat versus a variety of enemies, using your own raised monsters, allies and an array of skills.
Explore a huge variety of locations and hidden areas throughout the ever expansive world of Cloud Meadow.
Among the three major towns the player will be able to fully navigate through it to discover quests, new npcs , stories and the lore behind the game. Farm to your hearts content and exchange your produce for goods and services, complete quests and raise your farms production! Breed and discover a large variety of monsters whom you can breed with one another AND breed with!
[collapse collapsed title=Cheats]
Cheat code: Drunken Loser
Old codes: UnlockAllCode = "Sprites Sprites Everywhere"; GodMode = "What Is Damage"; MoneyCode = "Money Money Money"; CombatCode = "Take Me To Fight"; ResetCode = "Reset";
[collapse collapsed title=Changelog]
Dungeons no longer reset if you haven’t completed the first dungeon quest.
Nerfed enemy scaling by 40%
Enemies scale more with the current floor than the player level
Nerf the random random of enemy bonus swiftness from “0 to 5” to “-3 to 3”
Monsters that are unavailable will have their status mentioned in the tooltip
Changed first cooking tutorial from Shrubstick Tendies to Baguette, also gave the player the correct recipes & some additional Shrubstick Seeds
Players who have previously completed or skipped the cooking tutorial will receive some bonus Shrubstick Seeds
Message and item prompts will now last longer (2 seconds, was 1 second)
Fixed all monsters disappearing when the player has more monsters than barn capacity - however the extra monsters will not be available and may leave the farm due to neglect.
Fixed all inventories acting like the food bin after using it.
Fixed not being able to remove items from the food bin.
Fixed items not being removed from the shop inventory when being bought
Fixed Jerkian’s collisions on the market day not letting the player in and out of the Union Barrack.
Fixed an issue where you could buy unlimited amounts of items
Fixed monsters bought from Jerikian having a blank palette
Fixed monsters already having a blank palette with a consistent check
Fixed doors in the dungeons reappearing when they shouldn’t.
Doubled the wait time to unstop the player from moving from 1/20 of a second to 1/10 of a second
Fixed the Mill not correctly producing refined items.
Fixed the Mill not confirming that you received refined items.
Fixed Jobs eating monsters, the entire monster job system was remade from the ground up to promote stability.
Fixed an issue when monsters abandoning the farm during the night would cause an endless sleep loop
Fixed an error caused by talking to Montalvo
Fixed an issue where monsters would work twice as fast as normal.
Fixed an issue where monsters would only work on 2/3rd of the field.
Fixed Eve x Female Holstaur animation showing Evan x Female Holstaur
Zooming the camera while the player is sleeping should be centred on the bed
Corrected materials on Farm Mill building and Food Bin
Fixed some animations not loading correctly
Fixed some UI window not opening
Fixed the Market Day not appearing
Fixed monsters not loading in the barn
Fixed a bunch of exceptions being thrown throughout the game.
Added Female Wolf to combat
Added Female Centaur to combat
Added Male Cat to combat
Added Male Holstaur to combat
Added Kreyton combat overhaul
Using consumable items in combat will now incur an end of turn
Improved Fio's combat UI
Fio's relevant ability cooldowns will reset when rolling a jackpot (1 ability reset) or rigged roll (all abilities reset)
Fixed bugs that prevented progress on the tutorial week story
Fixed tutorial quests playing again each season
Fixed some items missing an icon.
Fixed some items not having a description
Fixed some typos
Fixed some animations not playing correctly
Fixed talking to the captain before talking to Jubelle causing a softlock
Fixed items in some shops showing a quantity of 1 instead of the correct amount.
Fixed a bug with dialogue not reading if statements correctly
Fixed construction window having visual issues on some resolutions
Fixed some z-sorting with the broken down farm
Fixed one of Ev’s animations not having it pivot set correctly
Fixed incubator window not closing when adding the egg during the dialogue with Jubelle
Fixed monster emoticons being super offset.
Fixed the the lighting at 7am being too dark
Fixed the calendar showing incorrect information
Fixed farm expansions not loading sometimes
Fixed exiting the wizard tower spawning the player too close to the door.
Fixed not being able to interact with the egg seller
Fixed not being able to interact with Valpongis
Adjusted the placement of stands so they block the player less.
Fixes issues in Vodan’s dialogue
Fixed issues in Rekk’s dialogue
Fixed Kreyton, Jaero, and Camellia’s dialogue having a bug with them.
Fixed Fio not unlocking HDs in the correct spot.
Fixed Jubelle following the player around at the market day
Fixed issues when skipping the tutorial week.
Fixed it raining on the farming day and preventing the player from completing the farming quests.
Added Fio X Evan HD scene
Added a small level scroll towards the bottom of the screen when you arrive at an area.
Added recruitment dialogue on day 5 for Jaero, Camellia, and Kreyton
Fixed an issue with the texture swap shader
Fixed Evan X Female Centaur not setting itself to use the palette shader
Fixed a quest trying to complete the wrong quest
Potentially fixed not being able to expand the farm.
Added the Market Day, comes every weekend, and removed rotating weekly merchants and contests for now
Reworked the lighting engine
Added quests telling you that the tutorial day is done and you can rest.
Added an always run toggle to the options menu. When in this mode Shift will bring you down to walk speed.
Updated the player’s sprite model
Updated animation timing on walk cycles
Slight visual changes to the dialogue window
Minor dialogue window fixes
Minor weather fx fixes
Fixed drakeheart not being stackable
Fixed a z-sorting issue with the rundown farm.
Fixed Giev not expanding the farm
Fixed being able to open the options menu and interact with NPCs during a level scroll.
Fixed not getting quests after dialogue in some cases.
Fio's jackpot should now reset her cooldowns for that ability
Improved party followers and their speed and distancing to better match the player.
Expanded the dialogue with montalvo to explain traits.
Resolved issue where units entering combat with a Dungeon buff would cause an instant defeat
Some enemy units were missing a sleeping animation, making them difficult to target
Goldra's Regrouping should appear in the correct position relative to the target
Camellia's missing abilities were restored
Fixed quests not adding and removing correctly.
Fixed some dialogue errors
Fixed the code not unlocking the album when using it from the album
Potentially fixed giev not expanding your farm.
Fixed some spelling and grammar issues in dialogue
Fixed the foreman following the player around after the dialogue
Fixed Katarina Station NPCs using the old interaction system.
Fixed the ripper fight not working
Fixed the KS captian not returning you to Cloverton
Fixed quests not adding/completing from UI properly.
Fixed not being able to close the sex scene in the album via Q or ESC
Fixed white box in the inventory UI
Fixed Jubelle not being by the door when she should be.
Fixed Kreyton animating in the wrong direction
Fixed issues with cat event dialogue and having it lock the game up.
Added a new cheat to get all of harvest and groceries, found in the options window.
Added the tutorial week story into the game.
Goldra NPC combat reworked: attack abilities will trigger Goldra's speed demon test, gaining successive stacks to build combat bonuses.
Dragon attacks apply a minor burn debuff instead of a flat damage bonus
Minor combat bars & buff tooltip improvements
Improved alignment of some HD scenes in the album
Loading screen graphical improvements
Dialogue window graphical improvements
Better 1080p resolution support (some UI will permanently appear smaller than usual)
Better support for ultrawide monitors
Overworld UI frame improvements - new weather indicator & quick save (pull the chain!)
New generic combat sound fx, in place until full combat sfx integration
Combat Health Bar & Buff icon animation improvements
Fixed dirt turning into a dead crop
Fixed typos, grammar, and dialogue flow in various dialogues
Fixed Dire & Argontel using old sprites
Fixed some of the objects showing the interact flag
Fixed not being able to turn off certain types of scenes
Ev's Genodriver should no longer be accessible before being unlocked via exploit
Combat floating digits should scale properly to the current resolution
Leaving combat during fast-forward should restore game speed to normal
Fixed female cat and Camellia HDs not setting the gender correctly
Combat unit UI overlapping, visibility & tooltip issues resolved
Max HP Up buff will now expire only after the buff wears off, instead of immediately when the extra health is lost
Yonten's Axe/Hammer throw was showing the wrong weapon sprites
Combat debuffs that can naturally fail (not dodged/resisted) will show a "Fizzle" message instead of "Resist" or no indication
Added an evil theme that appears in various plays.
NPCs have the highlight when you can interact with them.
Fixed the game starting at midnight
Fixed being able to open a UI right before cloverton level scroll and having it up the entire time.
Fixed some of the NPCs showing the interact flag
Fixed issues in Pondopulous’s dialogue
Fixed issues in Kellam’s dialogue
Fixed issues in Other dialogues
Fixed the code not working in some cases.
Fixed dialogue portraits not rendering when they should.
Fixed the union marine showing up as UnionSoldie
Fixed not being able to talk to the merchant in the monarch inn.
Fixed some issues with quests not triggering/completing correctly
Added Fio X Eve HD
Added Cloverton Night music
Added Farm Night music
Added sleep jingles
Added a new interaction bubble for all dialogue
Added introductions to a variety of minor NPCs on Day 1
Fully Implemented farming traits.
Fixed some old interactions message still existing
Fixed some missing sprites from the new Monarch Inn
Fixed the mark of creativity and the Drakeheart not having an icon.
Fixed an inconsistency with traits referring to both grade and rank on common traits.
Fixed a bug where monsters would fertilize more crops than they should.
Fixed the outline of the player not matching the player in some cases.
Fixed Camellia’s overworld sprite being invisible.
Fixed upgrading fields thinking you are also building a building.
Fixed monsters not returning to the list of monsters if you try to breed only 1 monster.
Fixed passing out on the farm not placing the player in the right spot.
Fixed cat event not triggering correctly
Added Camellia’s new kit to combat
Fixed a variety of combat related bugs.
Fixed a variety of album & code related bugs.
Fixed a bug where you could open the cheat panel from the options window
Fixed an error throw with the cooking window
Fixed an error throw when upgrading farms
Fixed an error throw when the inventory automatically restacks items.
You can no longer sell your monsters on day 1. (If you did this on a save and the day 2 cat event is not working then you need to start a new save)
Fixed a bug where you could only unlock the album from the main menu.
Fixed a character being mispositioned in Cloverton
Fixed the egg seller not being interested in selling eggs.
Fixed dialogue missing from Sieger after the mine.
Fixed bugs revolving around Ev’s gender and animations
Added a tending animation
Added a petting animation
Added tooltips to the farm buttons so you can tell what they do.
You can now cook in bulk when using a recipe
Added rotating Stock to Jaero it changes every season
Added rotating Stock to Yonten it changes every week
Added level scroll to Katarina Station
Added hotkeys to monster interactions
Added missing lamia pregnant sleeping animation
Album buttons in game now opens the album
Updated the quality star icons to a new ones.
Echo stone is now consumed on use. Giev will send you a new one if you reach garst after using your first one.
Changed how the starting crops are randomized
The water button now disappears if the crop is already watered
Temp buffs now last for the day.
Removed the weather protector from the game as it is useless
You can no longer fill a hole with dirt as there is no reason to do so
Merchants who come and go like Jerkan and Egg Seller have their stock randomized each time they come.
Optimized all the fence colliders and reduced their size (There will be another pass on them in a future version to make them even smaller)
Optimized farm field colliders
Made the interactions and nameplate more centered on the monster.
Adjusted fade out time on Sieger’s walk away
Max zoom on the farm increased from 2x to 2.5x
You can now use zoom at Katarina Station
Removed manumission/manumit related words as it was not representative of the farmer monster relationship. Now it’s called Graduation and Release.
Removed some unnecessary narration from some dialogue
Updated Camellia’s idle animation
Updated Poponddopulous’s idle animation
Updated the visuals of the scroll bar in the history window
Fixed Beck missing his sprite
Fixed a missing dialogue when speaking to Beck
Fixed spelling in Beck’s dialogue
Fixed a missing word
Fixed some cases of the old interaction system being in place.
Fixed a bunch of NPCs not having idle animations.
Fixed visual issues with the inventory UI
Fixed being able to sleep through the cat event.
Fixed some of the old player messages showing up when they shouldn’t
Fixed crops regrowing themselves instantly
Fixed dead crops coming back
Fixed crops instantly dying
Fixed being able to see the interaction bubble while sleeping
Fixed having to walk off a crop spot to get the new buttons
Fixed being able to repeat farm animations while one is animating
Fixed temp buffs not giving any stats
Fixed temp buffs never ending
Fixed being able to build a building in the wrong spot
Fixed being able break building by trying to upgrade them as if they were a field
Fixed an error being thrown when you didn’t have a trainer in the training field
Fixed loading the game inside the hot house not moving the camera
Fixed egg incubation timing and progress bars not updating correctly
Fixed an issue with incorrect monster states
Fixed monster interact buttons being above the monster
Fixed the cooking window not defaulting food to the first available and only checking to see if you have a 1* quality for that recipe.
Fixed a harvesting related issue where crops were not harvesting correctly
Fixed the farm buttons not updating correctly when selecting a seed or fertilizer
Fixed a bug where sometimes saves would save into a folder not belonging to their save group.
Fixed ancestry having some save/load issues.
Fixed a save/load issue with merchants that could cause us to do a save break
Fixed an error being thrown by the dialogue window
Fixed part of the quest text not being visible
Fixed In some abilities of a female character it would show a random }
Fixed the history window scrolling super slow.
Fixed Sieger Idle pivot not matching his walk
Fixed Sieger and the union guards taking longer than intended to fade out.
Fixed a font error on the inventory window
Fixed some distortion in some HDs
Fixed album related bugs
Fixed eggs taking too long to incubate. (Made the incubation process hourly instead of minutely)
Fixed the interaction bubble not working in some places.
Fixed a bunch of interactions not being fully moved over to the new system.
Fixed training grounds not sizing itself correctly on the job board.
Fixed crops not updating their sprites over the night.
Fixed 1 monster being able water all fields no matter their stats.
Fixed 1 monster being able fertilize all fields no matter their stats.
Fixed monsters not removing dead crops.
Fixed the player message in various locations being a thin barely visible line.
Added a small animated pop-up to let the player know they can interact with the object, in most cases this is in place of a player message.
Sped up the fading of the player message
The dialogue cursor’s pointer is a little bit more noticeable.
Left-aligned the dialogue text
Fixed some grammar errors
Fixed a 10% alpha banner showing after the fade
Fixed a small pop in the banner while fading
Fixed not being able to select the first seed/fertilizer in the list.
Fixed the album filters not working
Fixed some graphical artifacting with the egg emote over monsters.
Fixed crab’s palettes not working in the album
Fixed crab’s palette not loading in-game
Fixed the crab cum animation staying when changing the scene.
Fixed nameplates with cut-names
Fixed Sieger and Jubelle animating 10x faster than they should.
Added a dialogue with Beck the mycoid in the blue liner
Added 6 loading screen tips
Changed the visuals of the player message
Removed a bunch of useless player messages
Sieger and Jubelle now have idle animations
Fixed the job board cards being the wrong color
Fixed wells over filling the watering can
Fixed Nameplate having cut-off names
Fixed “Union Soldier” not having a space in the nameplate
Fixed a grammar error
Fixed nameplate being too low for large monsters
Fixed lamia missing sprite while pregnant
Fixed floating pixels in Montalvo’s idle
Fixed a bug with the hot house
Fixed a rare story bug
Fixed a bug related to crop growth
Potentially fixed the extra long hatching speed
Added Eve X Kiram
Added some deco to the player’s home
Reworked sleeping so it does all the job math and there is no loading screen
Updated the cat event collision graphic
Updated the farm cat event combat scene
Player breeding with a monster takes 2 hours instead of 4
Fixed being able to open the chests in the mine more than once
Fixed tab’s idle animation not animating during story
Fixed being able to unlock Giev’s tower before getting told to
Fixed incorrect symbols being placed on dock slots in the construction UI
-Adjusted some static cameras on the farm
-Fixed a bug with sex scenes on the farm
-Fixed an animation bug with crab x eve palettes
-Fixed inventory window not working
-Fixed pasture’s duping monsters
-Fixed job board not rendering some jobs correctly
-Fixed there being no dialogue in history
-Fixed infinite watering can
-Fixed some layering issues on the farm
-Fixed infertile monsters getting locked
-Fixed crops not getting watered from the rain
-Fixed harvesting not working
Palette Swaps
Evan X Crab
Eve X Crab
Added Farming Job (Auto-Water/Harvest/Tend/Fertilization)
Added item drakeheart
Added new storage tabs
When the monster tab is selected in the inventory you can now search for the following
Species EX “s: Cat”
Level EX “lvl > 5” or “lvl < 5” or “lvl = 5”
Gender EX “g:male” or “g:female” or “gther” (Chimera & Crab are other)
Trait EX “t:TraitName”
Fixed not being able to assign monsters to work dock jobs.
Fixed swapping palettes during climax makes the animation bug out
Fixed a layering issue in the party window
Fixed some missing pixels with the dragon
Known Issue
monsters do not work while you are asleep
There is a small visual bug in Eve X Crab loop, will be fixed in the next version
Added a floor counter in the dungeon Added a wait for the next update quest so you know when you have reached the end of the current story content. Fixes Fixed cut off dialogue options Fixed missing character dialogue sprites during some dialogue Fixed dialogue arrows showing when they shouldn’t Fixed wrong layering with crop fertilizer Fixed crops not being watered during the rain Fixed Job Board failing to load Fixed a layering issue with the party window Fixed some dialogue in Katrina Station Fixed Shards Currency not showing 0 when you had 0 Fixed after combat UI not showing Experience rewards Potentially fixed pasture monster duplication
Changes When a new monster is added they will go to the first barn/pasture with a free spot rather than a random one. Increased base energy from 75 to 200 Increased energy per Stamina from 3 to 5 Sprinting is now unlimited Energy no longer regens The energy bar no longers shrinks as the day goes on. Fixes Fixed docks not showing the building constructed on them. Fixed monsters still being able to be dragged even if they had a job already. Fixed scroll zooming when your mouse is over UI. Fixed Fade in/out not working Fixed a bug where monsters would move to another barn Fixed not being able to expand the farm Fixed blurry text in the trait window Fixed layering in the party window Fixed some character darkening bugs
Changes Changed Tea’s recipe to include tea-bag mix Adjusted the heights of all dialogue characters Changed the visuals of fertilizer Fixes Fixed Yonten combat not working Fixed not being able to talk to shopkeepers
Saves are compatible Additions Added the winter terrain to the farm. Changes Full combat rework for Yonten - all new animations, UI and abilities Combat Attack buff is now a %-bonus of a flat damage bonus Changed the how crop health is processed so will now die when they should. Updated the dialogue UI based on patron feedback Reworking watering system rather than an integer amount of water that ticks down over the day(more or less based on the weather), it is now a boolean so a crop is either watered for the day or it is not. Fixes Fixed crops appearing watered when planted Fixed grownut having the wrong sprite Fixed some spots construction on the construction UI being inaccurate with the farm’s locations Fixed an error in the breeding window Fixed flimflan not planting correctly Fixed farms not upgrading correctly Fixed a bug with the winter bundles Fixed exiting the hot house putting you in the wrong place Fixed a visual error with text in the inventory Fixed a layering issue with the party window Fixed construction UI’s special slots not showing their sprites Fixed not being able to cycle food quality in the cooking table Fixed an option when talking to Giev and Garst not working. Fixed a bug when generating bloodline traits Fixed a small bug in the scripting for the dialogue in the first scene Fixed a bug where a new save would it’s save into an existing file. Fixed the vertical/horizontal alignment of some crops Fio's combat animation should no longer have blank frames Fio's combat UI should no longer keep spinning ability reels when skipping her turn before reels have slammed Shield buff type(used by Lamia & Yonten) will now correctly block damage, and the damage numbers will have their own colour Potentially fixed an issue where the player would spawn out of bounds of the dungeon.
Saves are not compatible* Additions Added Male Harpy X Evan Added 16 sprite sex animations Added farm field leveling and adjacency bonuses. Fixes Fixed a dup bug with pastures Fixed some visual issues with the farm Fixed a typo in the construction UI Fixed a typo in the wizard dialogue Fixed a typo in the album Fixed incubator not taking an egg from your inventory when placing it Fixed female dragon x female holstaur not working *due to a change on how fields work there had to be a save break to fix the many issues caused by the changes. Fixes Fixes some issues with the farm being automatically enabled, which should fix other issues with the monster spawning and plots not spawning properly.
Beta (66% 3_15) v0.0.3.3 Saves are compatible Additions Added new construction UI Added an animation to tell when a crop is rotten Added 10 sprite sex animations Added new crop sprites Added pastures Fixes Fixed various sprite sex animations not working correctly Fixed Giev’s door stealing your shard Fixed wells thinking they need to be built Fixed some red pixels in the sky on the farm Fixed filmflan bugging out when planting it Removed Water Tower and Mr. Bucket
Updated the logo on the main menu Can now use either ESC or Q to close UIs Fixes Fixed abilities not showing details in the party window Fixed protag not showing up during battle. Fixed not being able to unlock Kaleida HD scene Fixed Kaleida scene not working Fixed in-precision when using mouse movement with crop plots
Beta (66% 3_15) v0.0.2.3a Quick fix Kodex got out when he had a sudden flash of inspiration on what was going wrong with the dungeon code for the purposes of moving between floors. Saves are compatible Fixes Fixed a dungeon load bug that broke dungeon levels. There is not a guarantee that this would work on older saves, but it should always work on a fresh one. Saves are compatible Additions Added Evan X Male Harpy Loop Changes When breeding the same species with each other domesticity they lose 20 Starting monsters now have 30 Domesticity Breeding a monster with a human now gives 20 instead of 40 domesticity Breeding monsters with the same trait, with the same value, will always result in a grade up. Increased the starting money to 200 Changed all the underlying breeding code for traits so it should be more sensible and obvious in effect. Yonten no longer buys eggs, so you now have to wait for the egg buyer Redid the valuation of monsters* Reduced the price of eggs to 30 Removed the time it takes for a monster to become full value Fixes Fixed trait grade not displaying *The new math is 100 + (Total Stats) + (50 * Level) + [(Trait Calculation) * Dom * 0.01] So if you have a monster with 50 Dom it would cost half of full value for traits The trait calculation is: Negative Trait: (3 ^ Grade) x -1 Common Trait: 2 ^ Grade Uncommon Trait: 3 ^ Grade Rare Trait: 4 ^ Grade
Changes You no longer have to build a well to build buildings On day 1 you now start with 5 exhaustion so you can sleep right away if you so desire. Fixes Fixed exp boost showing up on the party window with no-one selected Fixed some of the chests in the dungeon not giving any money Fixed the wake up dialogue playing constantly if you are still in the player’s room Fixed pressing esc closing the dialogue window Fixed switch quality when cooking breaking inventory Fixed being able to experiment with no energy Fixed upgrading your farm putting you negative in shards Potentially fixed mil momma advancing the game by 7 days and freezing the player. Potentially fixed Hotton crop being broken
Additions Added a new intro Added rest of act 1 part 2 Added more HD audio Added Sieger’s theme Added Male Harpy x Eve Added Garst x Evan Changes Worked on dungeon generation Made improvements to the dialogue window Made improvements to part 1 of act 1 Fixes Fixed monster stats not saving. (Feeding from older saves will still be broken) Hotfix: Beta v0.0.2.0b Fixes Fixed a highlighting bug with the main menu Fixed music not loading when opening main menu for the first time Fixed sprite sex animations not loading in the album Fixed button hitboxes being off in the main menu Fixed party window not showing allies in the mine Fixed being able to walk of the desert tiles Fixed the barn signs in other barns not working by removing it. Fixed door positioning on some of the forest tiles Fixed farming related bugs Fixed some spelling bugs Fixed a multitude of visual bugs Fixed various audio bugs
Additions Added first half of Act 1 Part 2 Story Added sounds to some HD scenes Changes Updated the appearance of the main menu Fixes Fixed a variety of HD related bugs Fixed a variety of bugs Fixed some dungeon generation bugs Fixed a save/load bug. Fixed colors on the logo pages
Added Eve X Garst Converted the savannah dungeon to the new system of generation Fixed a bug when coming back from combat in the dungeon
First launch of our new rapid release schedule, releasing new HDs as and when they become available and new features when they get finished. We'll be doing a hotfix or two, and then focus on pushing out adding Parts 2 and 3 of Arc 1 before the end of the first week in February with any luck. Additions Added Eve X Garst Changes Converted the savannah dungeon to the new system of generation Fixes Fixed a bug when coming back from combat in the dungeon
Fixed a bug where it would save the player's location Fixed player x monster breeding not working
Changes The day 2 cat fight now heals your entire party at the end of it. Improved credits UI Recoded the save system to be more reliable You no longer have to move saves from version to version Saves now check themselves if they are compatible Saves are now encrypted so save editing is no longer possible. Fixes Fixed a bug with eve’s scenes Fixed some z-sorting issues in Katarina Station Fixed some z-sorting issues in Cloverton Fixed some z-sorting issues on the Farm Fixed the name selection window not clearing Fixed tooltips in the party selection window not scaling. Fixed monster icons being smaller than companion icons in the party selection window. Fixed tooltips going off screen in the party selection window Fixed the music not changing when leaving Giev’s tower. Fixed escaping the mine monster letting you win it. Fixed monsters being a little too close in some areas of the barn. Fixed not being able to close the new game screen As always, please check the Public Bug Reports List before reporting bugs here or in our discord channel.
Progress +5% Farming Systems +5% Story Systems Additions Snack bar and shake now have stickers. Added cooking bundles. Added Evan X Male Cat Added Eve X Male Lamia Added Eve X Golda Changes Increased the seed drop chance. Crop quality system has been reworked. Fixes Fixed korona rewards not scaling. Fixed the randomization dice not working Fixed the mine boss idle not looping Fixed a bug relating to stat traits Fixed a bug where snack bars where appearing in the Cooking UI Fixed crop drop items not working Fixed Pierogi not having a description Fixed Grownuts thinking they are a summer crop. Fixed Grownuts graphics not appearing Fixed sell items resetting item data Fixed the intro screen taking way too long. Fixed a variety of combat related bugs. Fixed snackbar names not generating correctly.
Story Finalized act 1 part 1 Additions You can now click on the parent’s icon in the Incubator to pull up their stats. New BG and god rays for Katarina Station Added new icons for the pallete swaps buttons Added some extra names to the random name generator. Combat improvements, including a change in unit layout Added a randomize name button to the name selection when a monster is born Added Evan X Goldra Added Eve X Goldra Loop Changes Updated Credits The first farm upgrade now requires a Crystal Changed the color of the sprint energy Updated the level scroll animation Updated sprites of summer crops Updated the inventory window to have some more clarity Randomized the timings of the idle animations to make them look more natural. Fixes Properly pixel snapped all the objects Fixed Seeds bundles not opening Fixed not being able to mlik monsters Fixed various combat related bugs Fixed combat animation & timing issues resolved for monsters and enemies Fixed some UI elements being too close together. Potentially fixed monsters being born with more than 8 common traits. Potentially fixed monster traits not going to a higher grade. Known Issues *You will have to manually move the saves from your old data folder to the new one, these files would be savedata##.xml, global.sav and folders named Dungeon Data #. (The # means number), If there are no dungeon data folders don’t worry about it.
Tomorrow is going to be the last day of hotfixing for bugs, there'll be another hotfix later in the month with more of the palletswaps enabled. The reasoning is that we have a few major refactors in the works, some of these bugs are going to stop existing in the near future, or be made irrelevant. Tonight Ursa and Kodex will be going through the remaining bugs, as well as anything new added to the bug list tonight, and from there they'll decide which bugs are absolutely critical to fix, and which ones will be put on the backburner and double checked when the refactors are done. Saves are compatible.* Fixes Fixed jiggly plants. Fixed floating pixels Fixed the monster name being too unreadable Fixed several issues with HD scenes Fixed a dungeon tile having it’s events not spawn in the correct location Fixed some issues with the jump pads in the dungeons Fixed some dialogue for going to and from Katerina Station for clarity. Fixed the dungeon mine entrance being a little wonky looking. Fixed being able to cook without energy. Fixed Crab scenes not unlocking in Album. Fixed a bug with the HP counters in combat. Fixed the cat rock reappearing Potentially fixed the other barns barn sign not working. Hotfix: Beta v0.0.1.4b Saves are compatible.* Additions There is now a message if you are out of energy when performing a farming task. Added double click support to most UIs. For moving monsters into free spots. (Weather Balloon, Mill, Dock, Patry Selection UI, field assignment, training grounds) Changes The targeting prompt now lasts until you select your targets. You can now use space to interact with interables. You can now click on Ev’s portrait in character creation to switch gender. You can now press Q to exit out of the monster UI. You can now right click to remove an ally from the party line up. Fixes Fixed the nameplates for other people have blue text instead of white. Fixed the party window level text clarity. Fixed flavor text overlapping with the name of an item in the inventory. Fixed Seasonal Bundles not stacking Fixed birth date numbers not showing correctly at certain resolutions. Fixed Carbonara recipe not working Fixed weird color changing when changing palettes in between loop & climax. Fixed the collisions around the wall in Katarina station Fixed a dialogue lock in the day 2 cat event. Fixed Eve X Crab HD not unlocking through gameplay. Fixed monsters not doing their job if you are asleep. Fixed seed bags appearing in the seed box. Fixed Keybindings not working for the field assignment window Fixed Keybindings not working for the training grounds assignment window Potentially fixed scrolling in the breeding window not working
The Combat Freezing bug should be nailed now
Additions Added 5 new loading screens Added new character selection Added the ability use a custom name for the player. Added Idles to NPCs in Cloverton Improved dungeon generation, island segments can now touch one another. Female Centaur X Evan Pallet Swaps added to Album as experiment, with foundations for exporting to sprites lain. Please help us find more problems so we can refine this system better. We'll be hotfixing more in as the month goes on. Added Evan x Brontide and Evan x Male Lamia Changes Further decreased file size and optimized the game code. Fixes Fixed the 'start your new life' button not functioning Fixed the album showing up as white squares Fixed the sound files not loading properly. *You will have to manually move the saves from your old data folder to the new one, these files would be savedata##.xml, global.sav and folders named Dungeon Data #. (The # means number), If there are no dungeon data folders don’t worry about it.
Additions Added forest dungeon Added seasonal bundles Added the ability to manually refine items in the mill Added 3 cheat items Added monster byproducts Added Evan X Male Lamia Loop HD WIP Added Eve x Male Lamia Climax HD WIP Added Evan X Male Brontide HD WIP Added Forest Dungeon Music Changes Increased the experience gain from the part 1 boss from 25 to 500 Completed the breeding contest backend, so it should make more sense now. Increased stat points per level from 5 to 15 Reworked the enemy scaling in the dungeon Updated Boozant sprite to make it look like it is not dead when growing Removed abilities chance to miss. Balance Nerfed enemy Denmother swiftness from 30 to 20 Nerfed enemy Denmother physique from 90 to 65 Nerfed enemy Cat swiftness from 30 to 20 Nerfed part 1 boss physique from 100 to 80 Fixes Fixed numerous bugs & issues Known Issues *You will have to manually move the saves from your old data folder to the new one, these files would be savedata##.xml, global.sav and folders named Dungeon Data #. (The # means number), If there are no dungeon data folders don’t worry about it.
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does anybody even play these damn games?
Kinda just for fun Fiyo
I've tried this one, it ain't bad but not as fun as Elden bling
Cheat Code for latest beta: Wilting petals.
If it does not work check the case of letters
How do I apply Cheat codes
it didnt download
i clicked the download button and clicked on ot when it finished but nothing happend
same it keeps trying to open it in windows media player
are you gonna make this for mac
cheat code doesn't work
We need this for Android plz
its almost impossible to code it for mobile