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Ravager - Porn Games


Porn game Ravager

Year: 2019035b02b7324f9e4f40da7db1ec32bcda.jpeg
Censorship: No
Developer/Publisher: 4MinuteWarning
Platform: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Version: v4.0.0
Language: English
System requirements:
CPU: Pentium 4 2.0 GHz
DirectX: 8.1
VRAM: 128 MB
RAM: 512 MB
HDD: 800 MB


  We all know the story: Hero emerges from humble beginnings, slays the tyrannical dragon, and ushers in a new era of peace and prosperity. But here, it's the other way around. Ravager is a game where you play a young dragon, determined to reclaim their birthright. To do so, you will need to build your power, ally with dark forces, evade justice, and whet your bestial appetites. The game currently spans the first two chapters of the story: from your birth to the point you claim a lair. It has a nonlinear plot with many significant choices to make (and fun to have) along the way.

Additional Information: 

[collapse collapsed title=Changelog]


Dev Notes

It’s finally here!

This is the first release of Act IV. Those of you who have been around since the first release of Act III will know that this is really the tip of the iceberg. A rather large tip, but hey. If you’re thirsty for more, and want to see what’s on its way, check out my public Patreon posts.

MVPs for this build are Tosk, who stepped in to help a lot with the code; Poghwg, who helped me with all the audio cutting; and not least Mattrex and Var, who each wrote tens of thousands of words of content for Act IV. If you enjoyed their contributions, let them know on Discord.


Plot: main storyline progressed to include the majority of Act IV. The game will end when you decide to launch your attack on the capital, which will be covered in a future release.

Conquest: you can conquer the convent, swamps, wildlands, Bastion, Gutter’s Cove, and Coldreach. You may choose how to approach each battle, and subsequently decide the inhabitants’ fates. Later versions will also allow you to conquer the countryside, forest, and peaks (collab with Mattrex & Var).

Best Waifus: you may choose a consort to spend their time with you in your chambers. They will provide new scenes, skits, and dialogue. You can currently choose between Heloise, Marie-Anne, and Mina. Later versions will expand your choices considerably (collab with Mattrex).

Gallery: you can replay scenes that you’ve experienced. A fresh playthrough is required to unlock this feature (designed by Tosk).

Performance: graphical errors during animations have been drastically reduced (with support from Tosk).

Quest: in Act IV, you may save Cuchilla from possession by the wisps (Dreamweaver choice, collab with Mattrex).

Scene: a variant scene for Mina’s rent, if she is your waifu.

Captive: It’s time for Malice to be born (collab with Mattrex).

Captive: If you part on good terms with Mina, but lair outside the mine, you can find her again elsewhere in the world.

Captive: Darja will ask you your name after you ask hers.

Dynamic: Marie-Anne pays Valzira a visit (collab with Alduranissys).

Fate: Issa can be given to the wolfmen (collab with MayaFae).

Fate: Maelys can be given to the proteans (collab with Sihildar34).

Fate: a followup scene for Mina and the wolf tribe (collab with Silihdar34).

Fate: a followup scene for Chanwe and the mercenaries (collab with Silihdar34).

Art: Maelys’s compromise (Lubbio).

Art: Enid’s gift (Lubbio).

Art: Chanwe’s first theology lesson (Lubbio).

Art: Chanwe’s second theology lession (Lubbio).

Art: Darja and Cuchilla make the dragon a sandwich (Lubbio).

Art: Naho’s defeat, remastered, plus indoor edition (Lubbio).

Art: Cuchilla’s night visit, remastered, plus indoor edition (Lubbio).

Art: Mina’s fresh produce, remastered, plus indoor edition (Lubbio).

Art: Chia’s service, remastered (Lubbio).

Art: Enid’s character art, pregnant variant (Vira).

Art: Mina’s character art, nude variant (Vira).

Art: Heloise’s character art, pregnant variant (Vira).

Art: Malice’s character art, snake babby variant (Vira).

Art: new emote portraits for Cuchilla, Enid, Heloise, Issa, Naho, and Rhyll (Vira).

Animation: A new animated scene, Mina’s mercenary encounter (three variants, Amon Ra).

Animation: Malice, Enid, Issa, and corrupted Heloise’s character idles (Amon Ra).

Voice: Malice’s introduction, completed (Sunset Sofia).

Voice: Cuchilla’s drinks with Darja, bet, and promotion (Dr Sodomite Herr).

Voice: Mina’s sweetened deal, unhappy captive interactions, and cowed service (Mariana Montague).

Voice: Heloise’s assistance with experiments, sacrifice, and one path through her time to talk (Keta).

Voice: Zizeryx’s reveal, and infernal entertainment (Jezebeth).

Voice: Valzira’s capture, captive dialogue, captive scenes, and visit by Marie-Anne (Jezebeth).

Voice: Issa’s initial interactions extended, punishment, demonstration, and full captive dialogue (MayaFae).

Voice: Maelys’s introduction, confrontation, plowing, return, and showdown (Ilhana).

BG: the realm map is now labelled. I’m still not quite happy with it yet, but it’s better.

Sound: Malice’s suite (MayaFae).

Sound: new ambience for the campfire, altar, inferno, laboratory, dungeon, town, and street chase (Mortalitech).

Sound: improved ambience for the forest and swamp (Mortalitech).

Sound: a greater variety of dragon noises and gory sound effects (Mortalitech).


During Act IV, your hordes’ morale is shown on the Status screen.

The first play of horde followup scenes will be prioritised (thanks to Tosk).

Hordes, and consorts that have randomised introductions will not roll the same introduction twice in a row (thanks to Tosk).

Issa will only get up to one flavour of shenanigans each night.

The sound balance on the infernal themes has been adjusted.

Chanwe’s emotes and animations have been extended.

Valzira’s emotes and animations are more consistent.

New Power Fantasy playthroughs will feature new stat descriptors.

The Ravager High dream will only play if you’ve met all of its cast.


The Ambient sound slider is hooked up to the right audio channels.

Disagreements between voice and text have been ironed out (with support from Tosk).

Assorted text and stage direction improvements.

And every one of the (many) bugs found in our playtesting saga. Thank you, playtesters!




Dev Notes

I know I said that 2.5.4 was going to be the last release in its branch. But I have a new game mode to show off, and a few of the reported bugs were really, err, bugging me. So have a bonus build!


Game Mode: you may select your preferred tone when starting the game. You may choose between Dark Fantasy (standard game experience) or Power Fantasy (auto-win all stat checks, and never run out of resources).

Art: Cuchilla’s bet (Lubbio).

Voice: Mina’s renegotiation (Mariana Montague).


If she is pregnant, Heloise cannot be sacrificed to the Proteans or Infernals, nor volunteered for Malagar’s experiments.

Darja has been further degollumised.


Corrected dodgy file references for Ziz’s new voice lines.

Corrected dodgy file references for one of Naho’s captive scenes.

Talking to Mina about her ambitions will no longer lock you out of the Bastion heist.

Paizuri with the captive Mina will boost Potency if it’s your first time with her.

Darja is not so clingy as to follow you into dreams after enjoying butt stuff together.

The kobold who brings Marie-Anne’s belongings is likewise less keen to watch what happens next.

Breaker’s shadow portrait has been resized in line with his other ones.

Assorted text and stage direction improvements.




Dev Notes

This week has mostly been busy with Act IV, but that doesn’t mean you’re about to come away empty-handed. This build features a variety of touchups, improvements, and variations for our existing art, as well as new audio and bugfixes.

This version will be the last in this branch. I’m closing the bunker door and getting ready for the big release of version 4.0. See you on the other side.


Special: A Q&A session with our characters at the end of the game (collab with Var).

Art: Chanwe on top, improved consistency (Lubbio).

Art: Infernal entertainment, improved consistency (Lubbio).

Art: Marie-Anne’s service, improved consistency (Lubbio).

Art: Marie-Anne’s service, lair variant (Lubbio).

Art: Marie-Anne’s service, separate withdrawal image (Lubbio).

Art: Marie-Anne’s dream, improved consistency (Lubbio).

Art: Marie-Anne’s dream, separate climax image (Lubbio).

Art: Heloise’s silver tongue, pregnant variant (Lubbio).

Art: Naho’s reminder, improved consistency (Lubbio).

Art: Naho’s reminder, lair variant (Lubbio).

Art: Naho’s submission, improved consistency (Lubbio).

Art: Naho’s submission, lair variant (Lubbio).

Art: Extra sauce for many of the the scenes above (Lubbio).

Voice: Zizeryx’s introduction (Jezebeth).


Issa’s art will display if you choose to punish him personally.


Taking an injury will no longer cause an error. One of these days I’ll manage to implement a new mechanic without breaking it, but it is not this day.

Breaker’s side image will not obscure his name.

Kobold minions’ side portraits will appear correctly.

Corrected a couple of incorrect emote references.

Failing to convince Mina in your initial encounter will only give you one point of Charm.

Naho’s heat scene will give you Potency if it is your first time sleeping with her.

Chanwe’s silhouette is more appropriately shaped in her mercs fate scene.

Assorted text and stage direction improvements.

And everything found during playtesting (thanks GrayRaven!).




Dev Notes

Hi folks, I had a catastrophic laptop meltdown last week. Fortunately I have been able to recover most of my data, but it’s pushed me back a bit. I’ve put together a build with all the wonderful things that have been finished while I dealt with the hardware situation.

There is no longer any borrowed art in the game (hooray!). Thank you to D-Rex, Aka6, and Lucien for so kindly agreeing to lend the images that got us this far. Please support them if you liked their work!

MVP of the last two weeks is the patron (who wishes to remain anonymous) that paid for a new laptop after my last one broke. It’s down to them that we’re back in business so quickly, and I can’t thank them enough. Hero.


The ‘sudden death’ choices have been replaced with a more forgiving health system.

Art: Eburon and the dragon work off some steam (Lubbio).

Art: Heloise’s silver tongue gets to work (Lubbio).

Art: Issa demonstrates his talents (Lubbio).

Art: Corrupted Heloise’s character art (Vira).

Art: Breaker’s character art (Vira).

Art: Kobold character art (Vira).

Animation: Enid’s night visit (Amon Ra).

Voice: Valzira’s introduction (Jezebeth).


Added a new method to beat the huntress in the Act III showdown, if your kobolds are at high Morale.

Issa will still show up if you have the Futa tag disabled, you just won’t have any option to bang him.

Your current health is displayed in the Status screen.

The Status screen has been updated with a new personal description for Act IV.

It becomes much harder to gain Strength, Charm, or Potency after you reach maturity at the beginning of Act IV. You’ll still be able to call on those qualities, and gain new ones.

Animated scenes should transition a little more smoothly.

Accents on names are more consistent.

Assorted improvements to stage direction.


Asserting ownership over the doubtful Maelys paths you to the correct section.

Being direct with the doubtful Maelys no longer paths you off a cliff.

If Malagar departs in Act IV, he will not leave you with a time loop as a bonus gift.

Marie-Anne will no longer go on sabbaticals during her chamber visit.

And everything found during playtesting (thank you Mattrex and GrayRaven!).




Dev Notes

Hello from the depths of Act IV dev! In this week’s update, we finally get around to catching up with Maelys. And in grand style.


Scene: Maelys does what is expected of her (many variants, collab with Mattrex).

Captive: Maelys’s initial captive interactions (two variants, collab with Mattrex).

Captive: If you gently persuade Marie-Anne of your merits, she will get a new skit afterwards.

Fate: Chanwe can be given to the mercenaries.

Fate: Darja can be given to the mercenaries.

Fate: Sabetha & Inej can be given to the mercenaries.

Fate: Marie-Anne can be given to the infernals.

Animation: Maelys’s captive idle animations (Amon Ra).

Art: Malice’s introduction (Lubbio).

Voice: Sabetha’s captive interactions (Smol Rowan).

BG: A first look at the world map (Mortalitech).


The fertility of elves has been reduced.

Captain Rhyll faces the same way as everyone else.

Heloise is the last person to join the “animations facing the right way” club.

Leaving a subject with Breaker indefinitely will boost your kobolds’ Morale.

The mercenaries and wolfmen will check that you’ve delivered on your promises when they convene for the war council.


Attempting to visit Maelys no longer paths you off a cliff. So many fallen warriors.

Spending time with Issa will send you to sleep, not grayscreen limbo.

The charm math in the Bastion heist is fixed, for realsies this time.

Failing Strength checks no longer grants you Charm, cool scars be damned.

If you’re super patient and don’t enjoy Darja until Act IV, she will not hurl you back in time to Act II.

Corrected a dodgy text tag when Enid is having eggs for breakfast.

Maelys’s ears are less prone to disappearing.

Leaving Mina to her fate at the caravan removes her from the screen.

Mina’s gag is more ontologically persistent.

Cuchilla’s infernal sequence is no longer gated by your audio preferences (whoops).

Assorted improvements to stage direction.

And everything found in the playtest (thanks, GrayRaven!).




Dev Notes

This week I’ve mostly been busy with Act IV. But I’ve put together a quick build in the interim with some shiny new content, and more of my perennial bugfixes. Enjoy!


Scene: Heloise and the dragon grow closer together (collab with Mattrex).

Scene: the first scene with the rogue sisters is now repeatable.

Horde: you can pay your mercenaries to improve their morale.

Horde: a few short descriptive intros when you go to meet Malagar, to let you know how his experiments are coming along.

Art: The rogue sisters’ predicament (Lubbio).

Art: Marie-Anne’s visit to the chamber (Lubbio).

BG: A new background for Breaker’s chamber (Mortalitech).

BG: A refined background for Malagar’s laboratory (Mortalitech).


You will get a different reintroduction with the rogues if you initially decline their offer.

Followup scenes have their own music transitions.

Dialogue in the war council has been tightened up a bit.

The Council has been renamed as the Pale Convocation.

Sabetha’s character art appears in a more situationally appropriate position after capture.


Malagar’s side portrait will appear when narration is focused on him.

The Charm check during the Bastion heist has its math the right way around.

Naho cannot be farmed for infinite Cruelty.

Naho will not stick around after being reprimanded in the lowlands.

After her bet, Cuchilla will not moan so much in her sleep.

Filled in a gray screen after spending time with Heloise.

Whatever you name Malice will be reflected in your conversation with Heloise.

You will get a proper night’s sleep after your first time with Issa.

Better support for the huntress’s Old art style.

Assorted improvements to stage direction.




Dev Notes

Nine weekly builds and counting! Work is underway on Act IV. But, thanks to my newly-furloughed lifestyle (and lots of new content from our writers), I’ve been able to put together a nice tasty build in the interim.

The war council framework is still very experimental; please report any bugs or inconsistencies on Discord, where I’ll be able to see them, and I’ll get them sorted for the following release.


Plot: formation of your war council.

Plot: choosing a general for your kobolds.

Plot: you may navigate your lair in Act IV. You may not begin conquest yet.

Scene: Cuchilla puts on a show for her comrades (two variants, collab with Mattrex, Dreamweaver choice).

Scene: Chanwe’s theology lessons continue (collab with Var).

Captive: It’s time to have a talk with Heloise (many variants, collab with Mattrex).

Fate: Issa can be given to the Infernals (collab with MayaFae).

Fate: Issa can be given to the mercenaries (collab with MayaFae).

Fate: a followup scene for Mina and the kobolds (collab with Mattrex).

Fate: a followup scene for Darja and the wolfmen (collab with Mattrex).

Animation: Naho’s reprimand, our third animated scene (Amon Ra).

Art: Naho in heat (Lubbio).

Voice: The beginning of Cuchilla’s drinks with Darja (Dr Sodomite Herr).

Voice: Enid’s confrontation (Katharine).


The reputation check required to recruit the mercenaries is now more forgiving.

Zizi’s climax scene has been visually extended.

Malice might have opinions about your choice of name for her.

Lair music fades in immediately after awakening from sleep.

Descriptions of the wolf tribe are less culturally insensitive.


Fixed a particularly obscure bug that was preventing the wolf tribe events (including Eburon’s scene) from playing.

Anonymous wolfmen will appear properly on screen.

Corrected a flaw in one of Darja’s CGs.

Darja will not stick around after being eaten.

Darja no longer intrudes into your dreams after your first night with her.

Darja is now patient enough to wait at the campsite for your return during Act III.

Rejecting Darja during Act III no longer makes you sleepy.

Attempting to access an unfinished area of the game will no longer occasionally drop you back into it at random.

Assorted improvements to stage direction.

Assorted spelling and grammar improvements (thanks, Kahryl!).

And everything else found during the playtest (thanks, GrayRaven!).




Dev Notes

This is a rerelease of yesterday’s build to fix a couple of particularly annoying bugs. It is otherwise identical to 2.4.4.

Additional Fixes

Late night events with the rogue sisters will no longer path you off a cliff.

Removed some code that my cat added into Malice’s introduction.


Scene: Marie-Anne helps Malagar with his experiments (several variants, collab with Mattrex and Var).

Scene: a visit from Malice, the ghost of dickmas future (collab with Mattrex).

Captives: you can enjoy your time with Naho in a different configuration.

Art: Naho’s defiance (Lubbio).

Art: Malice’s character art (Vira).

Background: a new background for Malagar’s laboratory (Mortalitech).


The ‘Virginity’ content flag has been added to the Preferences menu.

When you sleep, you may choose between the dreams available to you.

You may choose to have Malagar keep Heloise around after your initial experiment with her.

Night-time events with Darja, Issa, and the rogue sisters also allow you to dream afterwards.

The size of your hoard appears in your Status menu from Act III onwards.

Dragon VA has been added to the rogues’ initial scene.

A link to the walkthrough now appears in the main menu.

Sleep transitions are faster.


You cannot invite Marie-Anne to partake of Breaker’s human resource services if she is not currently in your employ. Or dead.

Death also happens to serve as an effective contraceptive.

The secret escape tunnel from the farmstead to the lowlands has been removed.

Assorted spelling and grammar improvements (thanks Kahryl!).




Dev Notes

This is our eighth weekly update, and the first to go out whilst I work on Act IV. It is small but perfectly formed - with a new content flag, a new waifu cameo, and the first work of our new writer. 


Scene: Marie-Anne helps Malagar with his experiments (several variants, collab with Mattrex and Var).

Scene: a visit from Malice, the ghost of dickmas future (collab with Mattrex).

Captives: you can enjoy your time with Naho in a different configuration.

Art: Naho’s defiance (Lubbio).

Art: Malice’s character art (Vira).

Background: a new background for Malagar’s laboratory (Mortalitech).


The ‘Virginity’ content flag has been added to the Preferences menu.

When you sleep, you may choose between the dreams available to you.

You may choose to have Malagar keep Heloise around after your initial experiment with her.

Night-time events with Darja, Issa, and the rogue sisters also allow you to dream afterwards.

The size of your hoard appears in your Status menu from Act III onwards.

Dragon VA has been added to the rogues’ initial scene.

A link to the walkthrough now appears in the main menu.

Sleep transitions are faster.


You cannot invite Marie-Anne to partake of Breaker’s human resource services if she is not currently in your employ. Or dead.

Death also happens to serve as an effective contraceptive.

The secret escape tunnel from the farmstead to the lowlands has been removed.

Assorted spelling and grammar improvements (thanks Kahryl!).




Dev Notes

Our seventh weekly build! Amongst this one’s features are a couple of major scenes (which I hope you’ve been looking forward to as much as I have), a boatload of new voice acting, and some small but significant tweaks to the game experience.


Scene: the commoner girl has a surprise for you (collab with Eliterose, Dreamweaver choice).

Scene: let’s not leave Sabetha & Inej hanging.

Plot: congratulations! It’s a boy (collab with Eliterose).

Art: Ziz lends the dragon a hand (Lubbio).

Art: Marie-Anne does some work on all fours (Lubbio).

Animation: the huntress’s wounded idles (Amon Ra).

Voice: Darja’s responses to premature advances (Jess).

Voice: Inej’s capture, escape, and release.

Voice: revised, expanded, and even more punchable lines for Regent Balthorne (Joff).

Voice: the dragon’s lair building choices, and interactions with Heloise (GreyScale).

Voice: Breaker’s graduation for Marie-Anne (Rado).

Voice: assorted kobolds (Ash).

Music: the draft version of our new lair theme (Mortalitech).

BG: new backgrounds for the shack, demonic altar, inferno, and the protean rapture (Mortalitech).

BG: retouched backgrounds for the courtyard, wildlands, town, and peasant room (Mortalitech).


The rogue sisters’ intro skit has been updated, and will play once more.

A new ‘Goofiness’ content flag has been added to the Preferences menu. It does… well, who knows?

Failing a strength or charm check now grants you a bonus point in the corresponding attribute. This should provide some flexibility if you wish to alter direction mid-game.

When you ask Cuchilla her name, you can give her a nickname.

Improved image handling during the farmgirl’s happy captive scenes.

Added support for flipped graphics, starting with the huntress in interludes.

Sleeping with the nun grants Potency.

If you don’t like your initial options for capturing Valzira, you may return to Malagar later for another brainstorming session.

The nun’s animations now face towards the left.

The lair theme transitions in more smoothly.

The rogue sisters’ painted portraits are a little taller.


You can no longer use the power of indecision to farm reputation at the Gutter’s Cove tavern.

The chamber will properly ‘reset’ if you revisit it after it has been used.

Your first time with Issa grants Potency more consistently.

Issa’s room decor is more consistent.

Restored a missing image for the Inquisitrix.

Assorted grammar and stage direction improvements.

And everything found in the playtest (thanks GrayRaven!).




Dev Notes

This is a quick, modest update to get us back onto our weekly release schedule. It includes some polished features, a variety of lovely new art, and a couple of bugfixes.


Horde: If your kobolds have high morale, you can send them out raiding for treasure.

Art: Marie-Anne’s encounter with a wolf (Lubbio).

Art: Captain Rhyll’s character art (Vira). Our last placeholder portrait is gone!

Animation: Zizeryx’s idles (Amon Ra).

Voice: Breaker’s induction for Marie-Anne (Rado).

BG: New background for the cells (Mortalitech).

BG: Retouched backgrounds for the campfire and spire (Mortalitech).


The days remaining panel will appear and disappear more smoothly during scene transitions, and in a more consistent order.

The days remaining counter is better scaled on mobile devices.

The mobile quickmenu includes an option to Hide the textbox.

Credits for placeholder art appear in a better position.

Chanwe’s animations face towards your left.


The days remaining counter will stop hiding behind the main UI frame if you’re loading from an old save.

You will no longer sleep in through an extra night after Issa’s introduction.

Corrected a dodgy flag when drinking too much.

Various small improvements to spelling, grammar, and stage direction.




Dev Notes

Our fifth weekly update! This one is a little late, so that I could squeeze in our first taste of Act 4. It also includes some exciting plot developments, a refined version of our new UI, and a chance to get smashed with (and smash) two of your waifus.


Scene: you can enjoy a friendly drink with Cooch & Darja (three variants, collab with Umbrelloid).

Plot: the Act 4 interlude.

Plot: the Act 4 reawakening (seven variants).

Plot: the Act 4 battle aftermath.

Plot: Issa pays Valzira a visit (collab with MayaFae).

Art: the Inquisitrix’s contributions to the field of science (Lubbio).

Voice: more of Chanwe’s captive interactions (Midnight Iris).

Voice: Darja’s captive introductions, and naming discussion (Jess).

Voice: Breaker’s introduction (Rado).

UI: a full-motion main menu background - set your art style to Animated to see it.

UI: the appearance of the main frame and textbox has been streamlined and enhanced.

UI: a new days remaining counter has been added, which will hide during scenes.

UI: the quick menu frame will no longer appear in game menus.


Chapters have been more properly named “Acts”.

Issa’s quarters reflect his taste in interior design.

Characters appearing on the sides of the screen have been nudged a bit back into the wings.

Malagar is no longer so tall that he risks bumping his head on the ui frame.

The quick menu is properly centered.

Character names appear in a better position for mobile variants.

Marie-Anne’s consumation will use our new art even if you are rough with her.

The developer interview has been updated.


Marie-Anne has regained her singing voice.

Marie-Anne will no longer follow you around from the farmlands if you ask for nothing from her. Talk about needy.

Naho is, likewise, less inclined to stalk you.

You cannot gift Mina to your hordes if she is no longer present.

Fixed a dodgy text tag during Heloise’s science scene.

Mopped up some wolf… stains when using the Old art style.

Fixed an Issa portrait when using the Old art style.




Welcome to the fourth weekly update! Joining in with the quarantine tradition of inadvisable haircuts, I’ve given Ravager a lick of new paint. It’s still very much a work in progress, but hopefully you’ll like what we have so far. This version also includes our first use of Breaker, the first of Malagar’s experiments, and the first collab with our newest writer, Eliterose. Enjoy!


Scene: Heloise can be volunteered for Malagar’s experiments.

Fate: Cuchilla can be sacrificed to the Infernals (collab with Eliterose).

Scene: Marie-Anne can be forcibly persuaded of your merits (Dreamweaver choice).

Captive: Marie-Anne’s post-persuasion dialogue choices.

Art: the commoner girl’s night encounter (Lubbio).

Art: Chanwe’s supplication (Lubbio).

Voice: Heloise’s gagged scenes (Keta).

Voice: Chanwe’s explanation of her name (Midnight Iris).

Voice: Malagar’s departing gift, and conversation about his niece (David Snow).

Music: a new main menu theme, for those who complete Chapter 3 (Marina Montague).

UI: a revitalised frame for the main menu and game screens (Mortalitech).

UI: the game logo has been updated (Mortalitech).

UI: the main menu has been given an animated background transition.

Background: the resolution and quality of all backgrounds has been improved.


Darja will... prepare herself more quickly.

The textbox appears and disappears more smoothly.

The textbox is hidden during the animations at the start of the game.

Characters positioned on the left or right of the screen are now slightly more central.

The melody and ante components of Malagar’s theme have been switched with one another. I think this is better?

Eating Issa will grant you a strength bonus.

Adeline, Balthorne, Heloise, and Maelys are referred to by their given names only.

Valzira’s shadow will appear in Malagar’s laboratory after the anomaly is formed.

Marie-Anne’s lodgings are more fitting for the new backgrounds.


Discussion with Marie-Anne will no longer lock you out of the Bastion quest.

Pathing when approaching the wolf horde has been improved.

If you gently persuade Marie-Anne of your merits, you will not get a ‘Sebastian’ menu prompt until you have a proper context for it.

Darja no longer arrives back at the campfire, ready for collection, after Malagar removes her from your custody.

Cuchilla’s snoring is no longer so loud that it will follow you around the realm after certain menu choices.

Captive scenes with Chanwe will raise your Potency if they are your first time with her.

Corrected an outdated image reference when negotiating with captive Mina.

Removed the duplicate kobold from Malagar’s laboratory.

Removed a snippet of duplicate dialogue from the initial Inquisitrix encounter.

The wolfmen will not magically recover from being killed by Valzira.

Capturing Valzira midway through being given the quest by Malagar will path you to a suitable point in his dialogue choices.

Lesser kobolds have been trained to use quotation marks.

Music transitions are better when heading to the spire with Darja.

Music transitions are better when returning to the Infernals after making a sacrifice.

Corrected a duplicate voice line when performing experiments with Valzira.

Fixed some background flags during the fangirl’s first time




While we’re cooped up indoors, our patrons have voted to make all mini-builds public. That means that you’ll have a small update to look forward to every week or two, as I make them - head to my page to get them. These changes are a combination of the last three weekly updates.


Scene: Žižeryx shows the dragon some of the Inferno’s delights (collab with Var).

Scene: Chanwe provides some theological tuition (collab with Var).

Captive: the rogue sisters can be captured. Their captive interactions will follow.

Captive: Marie-Anne can be gently persuaded of your merits.

Lair: the ‘hurt-chamber’ framework has been added, and now comes bundled with specialist expertise. Its first scene will follow shortly.

Art: Darja’s scene has been degollumised (Luccass & Pebble).

Art: Chanwe’s triumph has been coloured and refined (Lubbio).

Art: Chanwe’s protean conversion (Lubbio).

Art: Mina’s service has been coloured (Luccass).

Art: Adeline/Mother’s kiss (Lubbio).

Art: Marie-Anne’s taste of the dragon (Lubbio).

Art: Marie-Anne’s night with Trojan (Lubbio).

Art: Missionary with Marie-Anne (Lubbio).

Art: Character art for Issa, Eburon, Malagar, and the commoner girl (Vira).

Animation: Heloise’s idles (Amon Ra).

Voice: Issa’s introduction (MayaFae).

Voice: Cuchilla's intros, scenes, drinks with Malagar, and brawl with Naho (Dr Sodomite Herr).

Voice: Heloise’s dream sequence (Keta)

Voice: Sabetha’s capture, and escape (Smol Rowan)

Voice: The nun’s new variant scenes (Smol Rowan)

Voice: Eburon’s witch hunt (Var).

Voice: The dragon’s remaining lines for capture sequences, and other odds and ends (Greyscale).

Background: custom art for the remaining backgrounds (Mortalitech).


The rogue sisters’ intro skit will only play once (more).

If you capture Valzira before Malagar gives you the quest to do so, you can pleasantly surprise him.

You may elect to behave yourself while visiting the convent.

The nun’s scene art has had its contrast increased.

It is clearer that reneging on your deal with Mina does not automatically give her to your kobolds.

The starting strength of lair factions has been upgraded, in line with their cosmic power. This will be important later on, trust me.


After a long and protracted struggle, the animated scenes will once more play as intended. I hate you, RenPy updates.

The framework issue that prevented some Android users from progressing past name entry is resolved. Finally. Ding-dong, the wicked witch is dead!

Skipping followup scenes with hordes will no longer throw an error.

Revisiting the broken Heloise won’t throw an error if you don’t have many captives.

Marie-Anne will not wander off to do her washing if she’s in the care of one of your hordes.

Restored a missing image in the non-animated version of Heloise’s sacrifice scene.

Naho will leave your screen after being gifted to the kobolds, or left in the wildlands.

Ordering a sacrifice from the kobolds increases Strength, as it ought.

The nun’s animations will display better.

Darja will not come to romance you if she is being kept as a captive.

Promising Bastion to Mina doesn’t stop you from robbing it later.

All image variants are shown in the huntress’s centaurs scene.

The Inquisitrix’s repeat scene is more consistently accessible.

Corrected a couple of the wolfgirl’s voice lines.

Jizz is applied more consistently during Marie-Anne’s dream scene.

Removed a reference to an old music track when caught by the huntress in Chapter 2.

Sparing the maid in Chapter 1 gives one point of Mercy, rather than two.

Restored support for the rogues, centaurs, and mercenaries in the ‘Old’ art style.

Malagar’s kobold assistant points the right way. Pay attention!

Known Issues

You will need to re-do the Bastion heist from an earlier save, if you want the rogues to appear at your lair. This is due to some dodgy flag-setting in a previous version, and is totally my fault.





Plot: the showdown with Maelys.

Scene: Marie-Anne makes an unexpected friend (collab with Umbrelloid, Dreamweaver choice).

Scene: Naho goes into heat (many variants, collabs with Var and Umbrelloid, Dreamweaver choice).

Scene: You may choose to continue your quality time with the nun after Chanwe’s interruption.

Scene: Eburon and the dragon work off some steam (collab with Var).

Horde: The wolfpack have a big old brawl (collab with Var).

Art: Maelys’s encounter with the centaurs (Lubbio).

Art: Naho’s surrender (Lubbio).

Art: Naho’s reprimand (Lubbio).

Art: the nun’s desecration (Lubbio).

Art: eating out with Marie-Anne (Lubbio).

Art: Cuchilla’s tussle with Naho (Luccass).

Art: Character art for Žižeryx, Heloise, Mother, and the mercenaries (Vira).

Animation: our first animated scene, the infernal sacrifice. Woohoo! (Amon Ra).

Animation: and our second animated scene, Marie-Anne in the stable (Amon Ra).

Voice: Valzira’s captive dialogue and scenes (Misha Mayfair).

Voice: Cuchilla’s revelation and captive dialogue (Dr Sodomite Herr).

Voice: Inquisitrix Heloise’s introduction, captive dialogue, and blindfolded scene (Keta).

Voice: the rest of Malagar’s introduction, and greetings when visiting him (David Snow).

Background: custom art for the courtyard, mine, infernal lair, throne room, cove, sewer, ship, shack, proteans, and protean rapture sequence (Mortalitech).


The ‘Gay’ content flag has been added. Check your Preferences menu if you want the option to see more of Eburon than you usually do.

You may enjoy the captive Naho in more than one way.

You can repeat Marie-Anne’s breeding scene, if your aim is initially off.

Followup scenes are skippable if you’ve seen them before.

Autosaves and quicksaves are easier to find.

The Preferences menu is better optimised across desktop and mobile formats.

The clickthroughs at the very beginning of the game have been replaced with pauses.

The developer interview at the end of Chapter 4 has been updated.


The regent’s action riff is no longer a cacophonous mess. Sorry about that.

Cuchilla cannot be recruited after eating her. Apparently she’s played by Tomie or something. Why won’t you stay dead??

Naho cannot be farmed for Cruelty via a groundhog day style scenario.

Captain Rhyll’s audio is mapped onto the male voice channel, as it should be.

Captain Rhyll no longer stutters.

Corrected voice line after ordering the special at the Gutter’s Cove tavern.

Chanwe’s introduction reports her hair colour correctly.

The Inquisitrix will not sneakily remove her gag mid-scene.

Fixed broken “captain_call” VA line.

Fixed syntax when asking for rent from a happy Mina.

Fixed voice lines for the mercenaries enjoying Mina’s company.

Trojan is named more consistently.

You can no longer lose your days remaining counter in the wildlands.

And all the (many) bugs found during playtesting. Thank you, patrons!

Known Issues

Animation transitions can be janky on older or smaller devices. I’m working on it.



Dev Notes

In the spirit of giving, I’ve made the latest Patreon build public. Have fun, folks! Ho ho ho.


Scene: a visitation by Heloise, the ghost of dickmas past (two variants, collab with Umbrelloid).

Scene: You may make the most of the captive Inquisitrix (many variants, collab with Shadowen).

Scene: Mina can be persuaded to extend the range of her services (two variants, Dreamweaver choice).

Scene: you can have your special present from Darja as many times as you like.

Scene: You may punish Issa (three variants, collab with Maya Fae).

Dynamic: Issa takes the initiative in dealing with Naho (collab with Maya Fae and Var).

Fate: You may gift any of your captives to the Proteans (many scenes, collabs with Var).

Followup: What became of Valzira and the wolf tribe (collab with Umbrelloid).

Area: In Chapter 3, you can visit the tavern at Gutter’s Cove.

Horde: You may recruit the Gutter’s Cove mercenaries.

Art: Mina’s bandit encounter (JefNightly).

Art: Valzira’s oral cumuppance variants (JefNightly).

Art: Taking advantage of Heloise (JefNightly).

Art: Darja’s anal scene (JefNightly).

Art: Naho’s various misfortunes (RPTRz).

Art: Character art for the centaurs, wisp, and kobold (Vira).

Art: The regent getting disarmed (Red Abigor).

Art: The dragon surprises a guard (Red Abigor).

Anim: Idle animations for Sabetha, Inej, and the nun (Amon Ra).

Anim: Reworked princess unveiling (Amon Ra).

VA: The dragon is now fully voiced through to v2.1 (GreyScale).

VA: Sabetha’s heist dialogue (Smol Rowan).

VA: Cuchilla’s wisp adventure (Dr Sodomite Herr).

VA: Mina’s captive interactions (Marina Montague).

VA: Mina paying her rent (Marina Montague).

VA: Mina’s forceful capture scene (Marina Montague).

VA: Naho’s captive interactions (Marina Montague).

VA: Placeholder VA for Rhyll’s initial encounter (GreyScale).

Sound: ambience has been added to the sewers, wildlands, spire, temple, mine, farm, cove, tavern, forest, campfire, fort, swamp, roads, and abbey.

BG: Custom background art for the abbey, bedchamber, camp, chamber, farm, forest, fort, highlands, mountains, spire, temple, lowlands, and night sky (Mortalitech).


The (currently inactive) ‘Gay’ content flag has been superceded by an (active) ‘Femdom’ one. Be sure to enable it in your Preferences menu if you want to see the latest Heloise content.

An ambient sound framework has been added.

Sound transitions more smoothly when moving to or around the mountains.

Mina accepts alternative payment for her extended services.

Mina doesn’t take so long to arrive at the mine, if you treated her right.

The centaurs and wisp are more expressive.

The proteans and infernals are more responsive when disappointed.

The mountain intro has been reworked to read better on mobile.

Tooltips have been improved.

Placeholder art is more clearly attributed.

The wolfmen will be content with a promise of the lowlands as their territory, rather than the whole kingdom.

The ‘rage’ visual effect is easier to see through.

Stage direction has been improved for Mina’s initial encounter.

Event flow has been improved for the initial discovery of the mine.

Music and ambience transitions better around dream sequences.

Link to our page added to main menu.


Fixed outdated music references in the street escape sequence.

Fixed outdated music references in the initial merchant encounter.

Fixed thunderclap sound effect at the end of Chapter 3.

Music transitions correctly during Darja’s anal scene.

Getting a game over stops all audio currently playing.

Darja’s time warping capabilities have been much diminished.

Mina arrives more consistently at the mine, if you are a well behaved dragon.

Chanwe no longer assumes you’ve met her in the abbey if you were merely dropping by.

Assorted syntax, spelling, and grammar boo-boos.

And everything found in the Patreon builds!

Known Issues

Some Android users will have difficulty inputting their name; this is a platform problem, please see the comments for a variety of workarounds.

Audio may become misaligned if you skip forward while transitioning between areas.




Dev Notes

This a bonus release while 2.2 is in progress. It features content that we couldn’t squeeze into the main build, as well as the latest round of bugfixes. It is small but (I hope) perfectly formed!


Scene: in a spooky special, Adeline makes an unexpected appearance in the sunken temple (several variants, collab with Var).

Scene: you can take advantage of tensions between Cuchilla and Naho (collab with Var).

Art: Heloise’s sacrifice scene (JefNightly).

Art: Sabetha’s character art (Vira).

Art: Inej’s character art (Vira).

Anim: Chanwe’s idles (Amon Ra).

Anim: Valzira’s idles (Amon Ra).

VA: The dragon is now (almost) fully voiced (GreyScale).

VA: Marie-Anne’s happy captive interactions (Marina Montague).

VA: Mina’s bandit encounter (Marina Montague).

VA: Eburon’s participation in fate scenes (Var).

Music: Regent Balthorne’s theme and action riffs (Mortalitech).


The rapture background image has been replaced with a better one.

Letting Mina go after her bandit encounter grants a reputation for mercy.

When you return to her in Chapter 3, you may eat Cuchilla if you so wish.


Darja won’t take a surprisingly chaste turn if you lair outside of the spire.

Eating Cuchilla is more permanent than it used to be (again).

Content flags for the bastion heist are applied correctly.

Paizuri with Mina counts for your Potency gain cap.

If you wait until after she joins you, sleeping with Marie-Anne still gives you Potency.

Mina’s sprite no longer follows you around after you leave her in the stocks.

Fixed missing image during the Cuchilla/Wolves followup scene.

Fixed missing image for Naho when using classic art style.

Fixed text formatting when comforting Issa.

Fixed transition after eating Cuchilla.

Fixed transition after freeing Mina.

Fixed transition after fleeing the heist with cash.

Numerous typo and grammar fixes.

And everything found in the playtest!




“Maturation (XXX Mature)”

Dev Notes

This is the final release before the arrival of 2.1; it tidies up our remaining easter eggs, and introduces a few options and features to improve the overall experience. If you’re looking for a major new content patch, wait for 2.1!

May have compatibility issues with saves from previous versions, due to some fancy new logic. But hopefully you’ll want to replay it for the new content anyway.


The quality of many voice lines has been improved, thanks to our amazing new sound engineer, Connor.

A framework for followup scenes has been added. Followup scenes have a chance to proc every time you visit a horde who have been given the appropriate captive.

Followup scenes added so far: abbess/koboldsfangirl/koboldswolfgirl/wolfmen. More will be added later!

You may have fun with the captive unhappy farmgirl.

The first dream has been added.

RPTRz’s art added for the drunk encounter.

DP’s sketch art added for the initial merchant encounter.

Amon Ra’s animations added for the fangirl.

Voice acting for the abbess has been retaken and extended.

Voice acting for the dragon has been retaken and extended.

Voice acting for the drunk has been extended.

Voice acting for the princess has been extended.

Voice acting for the maid has been extended.

You may capture the merchant forcibly during your first encounter, if you’re in Chapter 3.

The merchant can find her way to you, if you treat her right and lair where she can find you.

Unhappy captives can be eaten.


The farmgirl’s cattle can be hunted in Chapter 3, if you haven’t captured her.

The drunk can be eaten before or after spending quality time in her shack.

Autosave should trigger with a more useful frequency.

Building a torture chamber requires the Guro content flag.

Art and side image defaults set to “Animated” and “Always”.

Event flag framework extended to maximise save compatibility in future.


Added a separate function to change the background, and scrub any remaining actors, whenever you return to your lair menu.

Abbey scenes are properly content flagged, and you may decline them.

Fixed pathing if you are discontent with the happy farmgirl’s services.

The farmgirl no longer reappears at the farmsteads after you have captured her.

Returning to the forest after saving the huntress now provides a more appropriate crime scene.

The ‘to be continued’ prompt has been added when you build traps.

Fixed animation and side images for the guards when using the Animated art style.

Improved stage direction when following the merchant’s directions to the mine.

You will not immediately forget where the mine is after being escorted there by the merchant.

Fixed VA alignment for the demon.

Restored missing image for the sunken temple’s depths.

Resized Issa’s mini portraits.

Scene transitions improved when leaving the drunk’s shack.

Fixed several dodgy redirects when setting the merchant free from the mercs.

Accessing the captives menu when the wolfgirl hasn’t been captured no longer throws an error.



v2.0.2, “Maturation (Super Mature)”
Dev Notes • You’d think that, with 10k new lines of code, some of them would be good. But no! • Some fixes require a restart of Chapter 3 to work correctly. Otherwise, this version is compatible with saves from version 1.4 and newer. Features • You can now capture the farmgirl during the followup visit with the mercs. • A Discord link has been added to the main menu, and to the dev chat at the end. Fixes • Asking the happy farmgirl about her name no longer starts an infinite loop (whoops). • You can no longer ask the warlock about your fangirl if he doesn’t know she’s there. • Fixed incorrect save name when returning to the roads in Chapter 3. • Fixed a broken dialogue option with the unhappy merchant. • Fixed another broken dialogue option with the unhappy merchant. • Fixed yet another broken dialogue option with the unhappy merchant. • Removed some particularly persistent semen from the unhappy merchant. • Corrected speaker during the happy farmer captive scene. • Added a potency bonus if sleeping with the unhappy merchant is your first time with them. • Finishing your conversation with 4MW now boots you properly to the menu. • Resolved a wardrobe malfunction for the huntress in the old art style. • Corrected horde count after one recruitment option with the wolf tribe. • Spelling and grammar tweaks.


Dev Notes Thank you for all the bug reports! Chapter 3 has a wild amount of potential paths and choices, which makes playtesting difficult – but there’s nothing quite like an attentive community to find any lingering errors. The fixes below do not apply to games in progress; jump back to the beginning of Chapter 3 if you want them to work correctly. Fixes Fixed the captive menu when you have captured more than 5 people. Prevented the unhappy captive trader from disappearing. Fixed dialogue for happy captive farmgirl. Stopped unhappy fangirl from escaping her bonds to come see Malagar. Prevented fangirl from abandoning her “princess name” when Malagar arrives. Fixed image for unhappy fangirl’s scene. Fixed a missing redirect for fangirl’s capture sequence. Also fixed bad redirect during fangirl’s capture sequence. Fixed the ability to gift the farmgirl to kobolds. Fixed dialogue options after completing idol construction. Fixed one of the available paths for eating the trap.


v2.0, "Maturation"
Dev Notes It’s here! To keep the update cycle regular, I’ve batched up Chapter 3 into multiple releases, in the same way I did Chapter 2. This initial version includes a taste of everything, but it’s by no means the finished article. I’ll be adding more plot, more waifus, more scenes, more hordes, and more events as v2.x develops. I recommend keeping a save file at the start of Chapter 3, so you can go back later when new content has been added. Compatible with save files from v1.4 and newer. Features Story extended up to, but not including, the finale of Chapter 3. The abbess, drunk, fangirl, farmgirl, merchant, and wolfgirl can now be captured once you have a lair. Mini captive interactions have been added. These will be expanded significantly later on. Issa, the kobold trap waifu, can be encountered. The wolf tribe can now be recruited. You can now gift captives to your hordes to increase their morale. Morale will become important! A unique faction has been added to each different lair. They seed unique quests, which will be able to be completed in the next update. You can now build features in your lair. Voice acting has been added for the drunk, Warlock Malagar, and the Infernal. Vira’s character art has been added for the palace guards, fangirl, farmgirl, and drunk. Amon Ra’s character animations have been added for Regent Balthorne and the palace guards. DP’s scene art has been added for the fangirl’s first night, plus a variant for captive interactions. An orchestral variant of the dragonsong has been added to the main menu, which will be activated after reaching the end of Chapter 3. Voice acting has been added for the dragon. It can be disabled or adjusted in the Preferences menu. Tweaks A ‘dragon voice’ toggle and slider has been added to the Preferences menu. If the dragon voice is toggled on, game flow will pause to allow its lines to play. The announcement line for evolution powers has been temporarily disabled, until I have the chance to integrate them fully. Bukkake framework extended to the drunk, fangirl, and farmgirl. Direction has been improved for the regent’s scenes. Direction has been improved for the drunk’s first scene. The farmgirl is a little more expressive. You can now go direct to the mine after receiving instructions or escort from the merchant. Fixes Resolved yet another missing sprite for Maelys. Fixed a capture option erroneously appearing in Chapter 2. Corrected sprite placement during a wolfgirl scene. Corrected content flags for returning to the farmgirl. Fixed redirect after returning to Bastion prematurely. Occasional typo and grammar fixes. And fixed (hopefully) all of the many, many bugs found by our wonderful testers in the alpha and beta versions.


v1.7, “White Juve Dragon”
Dev Notes This is the final release before the arrival of Chapter 3 in v2.0. If you want to wait for the big content drop, skip this one! But if you haven’t played before, or would like to sample some of the new art, this is the version to pick. Compatible with save files from v1.4 and newer. Features Vira’s character art added for Huntress Maelys, Regent Balthorne, and the maid. DP’s scene art added for the farmgirl (Cruelty path) encounters. RPTRz’s scene art added for the maid encounter. Amon Ra’s idle animations have been better compressed, and incorporated directly into the game for all operating systems. Select the ‘Animated’ art style from the Preferences menu to see them. Amon Ra’s idle animations added for the maid. Amon Ra’s badass, multistage, intro animation has been added. You may now pull out during the wolfgirl scene. Tweaks An ‘Animated’ art style option has been added to the Preferences menu. A ‘Gay’ content flag has been added to the Preference menu, which is enabled by default. Currently this does nothing, but take the opportunity to disable it before playing v2.0 if you don’t want to see any kobold trap waifu action. Pressing the left edge of the screen will now roll back on tablet devices, rather than click forward. This has not been tested on all devices. The bloodshed transition has been standardised and improved. Direction has been improved for the maid feeding scene, and the initial encounter with the regent. Extra flags have been added, for setting up late-game consequences. Android tablet and mobile builds have been packaged and uploaded separately. A Patreon link has been added to the menu. Our highest-tier Patreon supporters have been added to the credits in the About menu. Fixes Side images now work on the Android version. Fixed track alignment for the dragonsong remix. fml Fixed missing sound file for mercenary. Fixed missing dragonsong during the intro sequence.


v1.6, "Black Juve Dragon"
Dev Notes Compatible with save files from v1.4 and newer. This is an interim release; most of our new art will be added in 1.7. Features Misha Mayfair joins the cast! Voice acting has been added for the witch. Thanks to Amon Ra, Vira’s beautiful character art is being brought to life. PC users can download the Animations Patch, and put it in their “game” folder, to see the animations for Princess Adeline. A piano accompaniment has been added to Marina Montague’s main theme, courtesy of our new composer Smol Rowan. Complete Chapter 2 and then return to the main menu to hear it. Mercenary voice acting has been extended for the docks eavesdropping. Visit them towards the end of Chapter 2, after choosing Cruelty options, to get the most out of it. Mercenary voice acting has been added to the Merchant vs Mercs scene. An option has been added to force the farmgirl’s, ah, barn door. Adjust your Preferences if you want to use it. Tweaks Added a Guro content flag to the Preferences menu. This option is disabled by default. Created an animation framework. Created a patch framework. Improved looping and transition of voice acting in Farmgirl and Fangirl scenes. Increased size of the quickbar. Added the Skip button back to the quickbar. Fixes Fixed centaur voice lines. Moved herald’s VA onto the male voice channel. Fixed missing sprite for Maelys. Fixed missing sprite for ship guard. Fixed conditional eavesdropping text for after the Merchant Cruelty option. Numerous typo fixes.


v1.5, “Red Wyrmling”
Dev Notes Compatible with save files from v1.4 and newer. The first round of commissions took longer than expected, so the majority will be added in 1.6. Features Female and male voice lines have been separated out into different channels, with their own sliders in the Preferences menu. Voice queueing and continuation has been improved. Vira’s character art added for Princess Adeline. This can be activated by setting Art Style to ‘Mixed’ and Side Images to ‘Always’ in the Preferences menu. Centaur voice acting added to the first part of the forest scene. Tweaks A switchable ‘Art Style’ option has been added to the Preferences menu. Select ‘Mixed’ to see Vira’s character art. The layout of the Preferences menu has been improved. Royal guards & Cove mercenaries have been visually differentiated. Guards & mercenaries are now a bit more expressive. The knight has been given a much-needed makeover. Green, orange, and purple? What were you thinking?? The abbess now looks a little more like her voice actress. Loops and breaks have been added to the more elaborate voice acted scenes, to improve flow. New framework added for the bukkake overlay. Numerous small improvements to Chapter 1 for handling side images. Fixes Fixed missing side portrait for Witch. Fixed missing side portrait for Knight. Fixed pathing after thief sisters encounter. Numerous typo and grammar fixes.


v1.4, “Green Wyrmling”
Dev notes Due to the stats overhaul, a fresh playthrough is recommended. Saves from v1.3 or earlier will not handle checks correctly, and may otherwise misbehave. Sorry! Features When you reach the end of Chapter 2 you are given the option to replay it, with your stats boosted. Your escape approach in Chapter 1 has been properly fleshed out, and can now affect your stats. New scene added for the Farmsteads, if you return after following a Cruelty route. New scene added for the Roads, if you return after following a Cruelty route. The game menu now includes a status screen. Tweaks Your “real” stats will be stored if you choose to replay Chapter 2, so they will be restored if you go on to play Chapter 3 using the same save. The huntress will appear in the night after your days remaining run out, rather than when they run out. A prompt has been added to remind you when the huntress is close to tracking you down. The in-game menu options have been tweaked. Adjusted pathing after the farmgirl encounter, to allow for hunting cattle. Fixes Fixed a faulty line of code if you kill the wolfgirl. Fixed pathing after sparing the huntress. Fixed pathing after an unsuccessful attempt to save the huntress.


v1.3 Blue Wyrmling
Features You have more choices in how you treat the defeated wolfgirl. Your decisions affect repeat visits, as well as your narrative routes with Naho in the upcoming chapter. A new scene has been added if you return to the wildlands after having defeated Naho, but haven’t turned her over to her pack. When pressed by the kobolds on whether the fangirl is your wife, you can now dump her in the worst possible way. This opens up two new narrative routes with the fangirl. A Charm route to emasculate the regent has been added. You will gain a new power at the end of Chapter 2. The power you get depends on which of your core stats (Strength, Charm, Potency) is highest. Tweaks An NTR content flag has been added to the Preferences menu, which is enabled by default. If disabled, Princess Adeline cannot be menaced as a result of your choices. Many temporary CGs have had their appearance improved. Sabetha & Inej have had a makeover. Mercenaries are now a bit more diverse. Marginally improved the appearance of the “days remaining” overlay. The “days remaining” overlay will now disappear during scenes. Quotation marks added to speech lines. Standardised transitions for scenes. Fixes Fixed broken narrator for Centaur Alpha. Fixed (another) broken sprite for Huntress Maelys. Fixed incorrectly sized sprites for Naho. Fixed some missing voice lines for Naho. Corrected pathing after hunting cattle at the farm. Numerous small improvements to scene direction.


v1.2, “White Wyrmling”
Features New ‘friendly’ scene added to the farmstead, which opens up a new narrative route with the farmgirl. Fangirl’s VA added to your first night together. Aww yiss. Sabetha’s VA added to the bastion encounter. CGs will now display at the front of the scene, rather than behind it. Side portrait framework added to desktop versions. Option added to Preference menu to control when side portraits appear. By default, they will only appear during CG scenes. Numerous small improvements to descriptions and dialogue in Chapter 1. Tweaks The difficulty of saving the huntress from the centaurs has been reduced. You are now prompted if you start the game without enabling adult content. You are now warned that Chapter 2 will finish when you find a lair. Princess Adeline has been given a quick makeover. Dialogue transitions and character placement have been standardised. Fixes Fixed broken sprite for Maelys. Added credit for the avatars from Whoops!


v1.1, "Black Wrymling"
Features There are now more options in the forest encounter, including the opportunity to save the huntress. The chapter 3 interlude will change based on your decisions in the forest encounter, opening up three story branches in the process. Potency is now a tracked stat, with impacts further down the line. Added a commissioned lair theme, by Outlive. Let me know if you like it! Menu options will now show if there is a stat check involved. Maelys’s VA extended in the forest encounter. Fangirl’s VA extended in the campfire encounter. VA added for the nun in the abbey encounter. Fixes Fixed the death sequence if you run out of time. Fixed vaginal route for the fangirl. Fixed incorrect pathing to lowlands from mountain areas. Writes repeatedly on blackboard: “come =/= cum” Fixed broken sprite for Naho. Fixed broken sprite for Maelys.


- First Release



Average: 3.7 (53 votes)

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Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
Just so everyone knows this game is on Steam, so if you want it without a virus and all the porn, you know where to look
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
how do i download and play the game on an acer
Anonymous (not verified)
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Don't think they new they would be taking a tree trunk of a cock

Karl Marx's picture
Joined: 01/10/2020

This game gave me an uprising in my working class 10/10

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Good game

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

How often is the game updated?


Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I can't get pass the part where you put in your name please help me it looks like a great game

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

If you cant get by that part your devices keyboard is probably not good for this so you should get one off the appstore so you can hit enter and not next line

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Very cool game with great art and interesting characters. I ran a charm based plathrough and had a very interesting time seeing all of the different interactions. While I'm too timid to join and become a writer at the moment, I enjoyed the game and was curious when the next update was going to be; and if I were going to make a suggestion to improve the game. Perhaps including a feature where you can hide the text and show it later? I find the text often blocks the art that comes with some of the scenes (I played on an android) and thought that a way to pair them better would make for a more enjoyable exprience.