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Sisterly Lust - Porn Games

Porn game  Sisterly Lust

Year: 20178ef80cfae3df802ff2baf1695773388e.jpeg
Censorship: No
Developer/Publisher: Perveteer
Platform: Windows/Mac
Version: v0.20 ES + patch + Walkthrough 0.20
Language: English/Russian
System requirements:
HDD: 5.9 GB


Until recently you’ve lived in a different part of the country with your father. Your parents divorced when you were very little and the family was ripped apart after a fierce custody battle. Your mother took her three daughters home, while your father moved away with you. You haven’t seen your family since and any attempts at communication were very much discouraged by your father.
But now, everything has changed after his sudden death. During your fathers funeral you were approached by a woman you instantly recognized as your mother. She asked if you would be willing to go home with her, meet your sisters and be a family again.
You hesitantly said yes…

Additional Information: 

[collapse collapsed title=How to turn on incest]

Fix for version 0.33 and later to restore INCEST in the game.
Just open the developer console by pressing Shift + O and type: set_special (True)
When placed correctly in the console, ensuring that you use the correct upper and lower case characters, “Taboo Edition” appears on the title screen;
if you do not enter it exactly as shown, it will not change.

You only need to do this once, the changes must be permanent and are transferred to new versions of the game.


[collapse collapsed title=Changelog]

v0.20 ES
Implemented Day 37 and 38
Day 36: Alternate flow of events during Liza club event
Day 36: Fix coffeeshop dialogue about Megan (thanks to Simbag and goobdoob)
Day 33: Remove empty menu option for Bella (thanks to blabla11)
Day 35: Fix Liza's post mall event (thanks to goobdoob)
Day 25: Fix incorrect references to meeting Dwayne (thanks to blabla11)
Day 18: Cleaned up some renders of Mrs. Smith (thanks to blabla11)
Day 3: Fix menu conditionals (thanks to blabla11)
Day 2: Moved variable flag for Liza's intervention
Day 2: Remove redundant code (thanks to blabla11)
Lots of spelling and grammar fixes (thanks to hideouz)
Lots of fixes during the early part of the game, including the removal of the instant game-over when hugging Bella (thanks to blabla11)
Reduce the number of instances of the word 'glans' (thanks to blabla11)
[official to be added]
Mrs. Smith/Susan features in the extra scene, using two of her larger assets for the benefit of the MC for $15+ patrons.
Day 33: Fix Mrs. Smith Discreet path availability
Day 33: Fix unavailable scene with Mrs. Smith for those on romance path only
Extras: Removed artefacts from Iris' forehead in two renders
Spelling and grammar fixes
Implemented Day 33 and 34
Day 32: Fix wording
Day 28: Fix bugged conditional during sleepover
Day 15: Fix continuity issues in two renders (thanks to Abby Sciuto for spotting them)
Spelling and grammar fixes, thanks to hideouz
Fix input autofocus on save and character name modals
Fix interfacing hiding on Android devices
Day31: Fix Adriana saying MC's name
Day31: Fix swapped responses at the end of the Discreet session
Day31: Set tickets variable after visiting Rachel, unblocking the concert on Day 32
Day31: Fix Alina referring to concert out of context at the end of your booty call
Implemented Day 31 and 32
Day 30: Altered bowling scene to adhere somewhat to the rules of the game
Day 30: Added an extra render during bowling scene
Day 28: Fix Aline > Alina
Day 29: Fix regression of Mrs. Smith morning scene
Day 15/16: Add pauses after panning images
Add better input modal for naming characters (fixes Android issue)
Add delete buttons to Save/Load screens
Add ability to name saves
Add button to hide interface on Android devices
Day 28: Fix threesome/foursome when you're willing to share Ana
Day 29: Fix unreachable sexual encounter with Mrs. Smith
Day 30: Fix relationship checks for Rachel's discovery of relationship with Bella
This cleans up some weirdness for players who are not in a relationship with Rachel and saw her just at the end of the latest episode and it also allows players to pleasure Mrs. Smith instead of just seeing a black screen.
Implemented Day 29 and 30
Day 27 & 28: Grammar and spelling corrections, thanks Bobomb
Day 28: Fix Alina speaking as Ana
Day 28: Fix sleepover bug where you couldn't get the threesome/foursome after being with Alina
Day 12: Fix render of Rachel looking like a donkey
Fix scrollwheel in Extra Scenes section
Possible fix for Android startup crash, courtesy of the66
Fix quick menu visibility
Implemented Day 27 and 28
Day 26: Fix unreachable dialogue with Rachel
Day 23: Fix event loop related to day23_m_opera check
Day 23: Fix possibly undeclared day23_m_opera variable
Day 23: Fix possibly undeclared day23_flashback and day23_flashback_r variables
Extras: Fix Extra #10 scene reference
Converted all renders to WebP, thanks to the66
Spelling and grammar fixes, courtesy of Bobomb
Fixed some renders (day 5, 8 and 11)
Implemented Day 25 and 26
Day 24: Fix Liza scene popping up when buying the wrong toy for her
Day 23: Fix repeatable opera visit
Day 23: Add extra threesome check during flashback
Day 23: Fixed a few grainy renders
Bundle GUI assets in archive
Implemented Day 23 and 24
Day 22: Fix message from James appearing out of context
Day 22: Fix James reacting surprised about your relationship with Ana if he already knows about it
Day 21: Added some images to the talk with Rachel post-flashback
Day 20: Fix incorrect screen flow on Bella path
Day 18: Fix two masturbation renders
Day 15: Fix message from Alina showing up regardless of your relationship status with her
Fixed issue with image corruption (green screen) on some Android devices
Fix width of choice buttons when there are two columns
Fixed various typos
v0.11 (Bonus Edition)
Implemented Day 21 and 22
Fix image dimensions for Extra Scene 7
Fix choice button width causing some choices to run on multiple lines
Day 20: Protagonist now only recognizes Mrs. Steel if the shopping event has occurred
Day 19: Do not refer to bikini during Liza fingering scene
Day 6: Fix render of non-naked Bella to naked version
Added extra credits screen thanking top-tier backers
Fixed various typos
v0.10-HD (Bonus Edition)
HD release which updates all the old renders to upgraded Iray versions.
There is no new story content, other then the extra scene for $ 15+ patrons (included in Bonus Edition only).
All images have been updated to Iray renders
Game now runs at 1920x1080 pixels
Added Android build
Day 20: Fix comment about Brody to Riley when you haven't seen him
Day 19: Remove option to "Relax a little" after visiting Mrs. Smith for the second time
Day 19: Fix scene flow with Bella and the visit to the doctor
Day 18: Kissing Mrs. Smith is now only possible if you have a relationship with her, or if you've talk with her whenever possible
Day 11: Added option to resolve situation with Brody even if you do not have a relationship with Liza
Day 4: Added extra shop render
Day 1: Remove conversation option after talking about adjusting
Arrange menu options into columns when there are more than four
Fixed various typos
Implemented Day 19 and 20
Day 17: Fix incorrect jump to dinner at Nia and Rebeca's after declining Rachel at the yoga studio
Day 17: Fixed Nino's skin texture during night scene
Day 17 and 18: Various spelling and grammar corrections
Day 16: Set fingering flag at correct point for Liza
Day 15: Fix Alina extra scene availability
Day 15: Fix wording
Day 13: Fix wording
Day 8: Jump to evening after conversation with James about Discreet visit
Day 8: Only visit Discreet when you actually have an appointment
Day 9: Fix wording
Day 5: Fix wording
Day 2: Fix wording
Fixed various typos
Updated statistics avatars
Implemented Day 17 and 18
Fixed checking for status of reading Mrs. Smith book
Day 16: Add variable instead of static name in menu option
Day 16: Correctly reference the blackmail option in Dwayne's email
Day 16: Hide dialogue options during restaurant visit with Bella
Day 16: Recognize that the MC has slept in Rachel's bed
Day 15: Fix unavailable nightly visit to Mrs. Smith
Day 14: Fix wording regarding James visit to Hazel
Day 8: Fix incorrect jump to scene with Ana after James' call when you don't have a relationship with her
Day 1: Fix wording
Implemented Day 15 and 16
Day 16: Fixed indentation erroneously triggering Discreet facial
Day 8: Fixed Ana availability when you don't have a relationship with her
Day 7: Lowered trust requirement to speak to Bella
Fixed various typos
v0.7 Fixed
Fixed "line 579 int not callable in day 13" error
Fixed day 14 missing image when leaving Dwayne's house
Applied incest patch (some were having issues with this)
Various Grammar/Spelling/Word Choice fixes
Implemented Day 11 and 12
Added statistics screen showing corruption and trust points for the main characters
Minor fix to Extra Scenes button grid
Day 10: Fixed incorrect render during Discreet visit
Day 05: Fixed missing render
Day 09: Added variable to check if you slept in Rachel's bed on Day 08
Implementation of Day 09 and 10
Day 07: Correctly populated MisterX's name variable, this caused problems during the alleyway sequence on Bella's soft route
Various text corrections
This is the v0.42 public release of the game. Day 7 and 8 are implemented. This release also includes bugfixes from the original 0.4 and 0.41 which were available for patrons only. Below the download links you'll find the complete changelog.
IMPORTANT: There was a nasty bug in the original v0.4 release. Saves made with that version are incompatible with future releases. Any save made with the v0.33 are any release from v0.41 onwards is not affected.
Fixed a bug causing character attributes to reset after reaching end of content or going back to the main menu
Fixed a render in the bonus scene
Day 04: Fixed incorrect jump to night when you don't have a relationship with Rachel
Day 05: Fixed dinner choice showing up perpetually
Day 08: Fixed incorrect jump to supermarket when you don't pursue any of the relationships
Implementation of Day 07 and 08
Inclusion of first bonus sex scene ($15+ patrons only)
Added Credits and Extra Scenes menus
Various text corrections
Fixed missing images in animated sequences
Day 03: Fixed missing image during conversation with Liza
Day 03: Fixed Rachel commenting on her naked body when she wasn't aware of you (added variable)
Day 02: Visiting Rachel at night was incremented twice


Average: 4.1 (104 votes)

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1 + 1 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.
Anonymous (not verified)
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Anonymous (not verified)
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Beans b beans beans
Anonymous (not verified)
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how the f are we supposed to open that  
Anonymous (not verified)
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Bittorrent I would guess
Anonymous (not verified)
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what app yall use to open that on pc?  
Anonymous (not verified)
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so we aren't gonna talk about what a torrent file is and how to open it ?

Anonymous (not verified)
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Get the torrent programm. Its not rocket science.

Anonymous (not verified)
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How do you not know what a torrent is

Anonymous (not verified)
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Nice game, It's working.

Anonymous (not verified)
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Please male a download for Mobile,plz

Anonymous (not verified)
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Use pornoapk, it's safe. Always look for .apk files, it's what Android uses. And IOS doesn't allow 4th party software.

Anonymous (not verified)
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Anonymous (not verified)
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ahhh finnaly some data base porn

Anonymous (not verified)
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Anonymous (not verified)
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I was born in 69,420 BC

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