Is this comic actually gay? Now hear me out I’d like to point to the fact that they are attracted to the feminine characteristics and not the actual penis and as the title implies they are desperate. But the counter point is that they consented even after the apparent reveal and proceeded on despite the implications. So is this comic gay? Well is it gay to kiss your homies good night? It all falls down to a simple phrase “No Homo” you see it is in fact scientifically proven that saying no homo after the kiss makes it not gay since it concludes that this relationship is in fact not homosexual. So to wrap this up this comic is proven to be gay by the lack of the phrase “no homo”. So in conclusion…… I’m not gay for kissing my homies good night I swear. I don’t take any sick pleasures in doing it. It’s just a good night kiss
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Loony toon ahh MC's
no homo
They are delicious looking
this isn't gay I swear...
- A homo
My dick hard from reading this
I'll find you
Wait, my name is Kevin.
Hetero bros represent! Same energy but the exact opposite.
Yeah, you and Alex really do get down, huh?
I'm not gay- but 20 dollars is 20 dollars.
i would do it for 5
The satire and sarcasm in this is just too much for me, i wanted to bust a nut but instead i busted a laugh
Wow, top tier comedy and top tier porn, in one comic? What value
Fun fact fanny is a canon trans girl
Shut up faggot
- a faggot
Bro repressed as hell for this one
where are you right now mf? Look at what you're reading! The infinite stupidity of people like you is fucking astounding.
This mf likes men
Bro is so far back in the closet he's in fucking marina
This comic is like 25% gay cause Fanny is a woman but the other one idk