Page 12 reminds me of my sister when she was a kid. Just casually hanging around the house in flimsy white panties and not giving a fuck about anyone staring at her body, which I did a lot. Hey, I was like barely a teenager back then, don't judge me.
If I was you I would have come up with all sorts of excuses to grope and feel up her body. You know, with some roleplaying games when the parents aren't home. Girls that young usually don't mind you touching their butt, chest or any other part of their bodies. Especially if they are between they are between the ages of 6 and 10.They only start to question you or begin to freak out if you start to fondle their pussy or stick your hand inside their panties. Trust me, I know.
No one gives a flying fuck about canon lore. This is porn. Just turn your oversized brain off, sit back in your game chair and stroke your hard cock and spill your warm cum while staring at little wendy posing in her tight white panties. That's what I doing.
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your right i didn't last 30 seconds i left under 30 seconds
I doubt I'd last 30 seconds inside such a young underaged girl's asshole tbh.
But that's alright, that first fat load will just make round 2 much more comfortable for her ass.
shes 418
She's my cum slave.
bro shes 12
If you watch the series you will know he's 19
she's 19 after a time skip dumbass
Perfectly legal to some of us
I can deal with it
Anyone else thinks it is kinda wrong with having a little girl on a porn website
yeah but technically she is 19 because of the time skip freeze thing and u think this is weird but boruto fucking his mom isn't
she aint little dumbass
she 21
Legal age of consent in japan js 13