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Hold on. If this is chapter 2 then where's chapter 1?
Even bigger question: ARE THERE MORE CHAPTERS
Even bigger question: WHERE ARE THEY LOCATED IF THERE ARE???
Futa trash
Fuck you, you don't belong reading it if your not into futa. Secondly, keep your negative opinions to yourself, its a porn site. Thirdly, NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOUR OPINION
So not actually a futa I guess? Just a femboy going by the dialogue. Tags should be changed. Anyway, art is good, dialogue is surprisingly funny and well written. Good comic overall
Futanari needs tits the size of fucking Jupiter now smh
fucking faggots theres a femboy in this one sheesh if you want to be a girl so bad chop your dick off
How come you always seem to have the exact opposite opinions as me?
...im a troll its in the job description. also youre a dumbass faggot that should off yourself. your case of USI dosent help you either
Dumbass? Sure.
Faggot? Yeah, kinda.
Should off myself? Well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
Also, I don't even live in Australia.
USI: Unwarrented Self Importance
this qualifies you for immediate self-homocide
Fair enough. I can see how you might think that
Yes, there is.
Should have looked at the tags...