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jesus didn’t die for this
Actually this is exactly why jesus died
Huh never thought I would see this again
If this was realistic minato or makoto or whatever emo Jesus name was would break the window and beat the shit out of yukari rapist to death until all his teeth and eyes are permanently damaged and then stab him in the dick and just hug yukari crying for what she went through then call the cops and throw that guy in jail get rid of all the tapes and minato would never forgive himself and promise to take care of yukari no matter what situation she was in either by threatening to beat any other student who made one small comment and they even took the phones thanks to the police and made sure the people who made these drugs would be charged Andy then minato would stay with yukari and just be their for support of the kid and raise him as their own
Real shit brother amen
Bro you made a whole storyline
Why is there not a rape tag on this?
Because that, My good fellow, is just the way the porn works
Tags exist for a reason, not taging something properly is a failure by the author to warn me that this was drawn by a psychopath