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Uhh... Peak?
Straight up Professor Oak'ing thar bitch
how do you professor oak a bitch.asking for myself
bruh wtf
Y'know, I didn't think The resigned Symbol of Peace would bork one of his students moms. Seemed too honorable for that.
make love not war
Izuku: allmight did u fuck mine mom
Allmight : uhhh
Inko : toshiii i am pregn...ant
Izuku : ...
Allmight : i can explain
Izuku : one for all
All might : well
Izuku : one milion procent
Allmight : i am dead
have yall coniciterd that english isnt there first language
Brother you're probably to young to be on here if your english is like that
Holy illiteracy
*Wholee I'll-litter-a-sea
please go back to first grade to learn how to spell
Damn bro- but fr pls do go back to first grade
I hate you
I love that show and you just destroyed both those characters for me. I still had some respect for Inko even tho she wasn't too much on the screen.
Also, All Might would've never asked for sex in exchange for anything, he is a good man ;(
dawg it a bog standard shonen show, calm down it ain't worth this level of adoration
I could hear all mights voice in my head. Weird.
Le hice el sin respeto a tu madre Joven mi rodilla