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Alr, if I sound like a fucking dweeb im sorry, the but the reason she left was because she wanted to be as strong or stronger than him, not because she didn't love him, he'll, even the anime talked about it,
she left because she also has a demon eye but she is better at using it allowing her to see in the future, she saw that he would have ED and then get marrried to syklphie
Spreading misinformation goes hard asf loo
my god the comments lore
Good one
Eris my beloved
She didn't leave because he wasn't good in bed ya nunce she left because she felt like a burden to him
While your right about this, part of the reason she left was because of the fact she felt like he could break in bed because he grew weak, the age difference was part of the reason so technically yes, if Rudeus was more prepared in bed and didn't grow weak therotically Eris may've stayed at least for longer so stfu.
yes but its an alternate timeline