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This is so messed up 1/10
Just fucking die dude
Save me the hassle
Worst part is, she didn't have to go. She's dating him and he's a student, nothing wrong with that. Zero reason for that to be a blackmail
My typical classmates
My typical average Joe.
Could have been a cute one
I have a natural thirst for blood. I have no soul and have been possessed by ghosts 8 times without any effect.
Lost interest and stopped reading after I saw the tanned dude.
may allah strike down every NTR artist and enjoyer, this shit is ass
The Duliba Stone Disc was discovered in a cave in the Bayan Har Mountains of China. According to research by Chinese scientists, it was found that aliens visited China in ancient times
I have extensive research on the Bible, Buddhist scriptures, and cults 。Evil burns like fire, devouring thorns and thistles. It ignites in dense forests and becomes a pillar of smoke, swirling and ascending. Romans 1:29 is filled with all kinds of unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, and malice. Its heart is filled with jealousy, murder, strife, deceit, and venomous hatred
Fuck NTR
Hate the fact that blackmailer had nothing to blackmail her with...bloody hell
I am a carrier of the albino gene
According to historical records by Chinese scientists and historians, as well as research by the Vietnamese government, it has been found that Vietnam is a brown skinned white population
Khinh thường
色即是空空即是色。 Bánh răng của Pháp Luân vĩnh viễn không thể dừng lại.
Ching chong cùnc coong cùnc gông xi
Studying human history reveals that before the Qing Dynasty, China had fair skin. Studying the history of Ethiopia in Africa, there were no brown skinned people. Modern white, yellow, or black people are not the result of natural evolution. Scientists and textbooks deceive people all over the world
The demon indulged in debauchery and teasing, but Siddhartha remained unmoved 他化自在天 烦恼皆不生不灭,不垢不净,不增不减 Arya valokite svara bodhisattvo,
Iha Sariputra! Rupam sunyata sunyataiva rupam rupan na prthak sunyata sunyataya na prthag rupam,
yad rupam sa sunyata ya sunyata tad rupam,
Iha Sariputra! sara dharmah sunyata laksana,
anutpanna aniruddha amala avimala no na na paripurnah,
Állah tatoo!!!