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This isn't manga, this should be with the other Ratcha comics so I can actually find it.
why doess this feel like something i would do if i had pokemon xD
Because, just like us, you are a degenerate.
(Im not even a furry, Im just a degenerate.)
Aaand that just sounded like i called furries degenerates.
Gotta love bad wording. For context, I meant that im a degenerate, Not that furries are degens.
Furrys are ruining pokemon
No. Nintendo is ruining Pokemon.
Welcome to the internet my friend.
Wait until he finds out about literally every franchise in this universe.
Pokemone? Lewded.
Animal Crossing? Lewded.
Fall guys? Lewded
Goobgaloop from the popular show "Gazlorp" From planet Er72?
Pokemon* Sry typo.
I'm going to the store for some under juice
how have we all resorted to this? is there nothing else to do except sit on our laptops and wank off to this shit? i really think we should be contributing members of society that's better than this. fucking hell, man.
You explained what evweryone does, but you do the exact same thing, so why are you even talking. You need to get help about that adatude aswell.
Then why the hell did you look up Pokemon porn? Can you stop being a self righteous dickhead and stop commenting hateful garbage on a FUCKING PORN COMIC!
Hes the kind of dude to go to a strip club and complain about the strippers being lewd and naked.
People who think this is fucked up or weird really haven't been at the deep end of the pool
Spacehamster Please Save me from this pit of death. I have gone too far down and the hole I’m digging is filling me in.
This is something I didn’t know i
needed until now. Thank you
That...that is THE FUCKING F.B.I MOTHERFUCKER!!! Open up!!!!!!!!!!!*peng* *peng* peng* you are arrested and you are dead and you...you are arrested too for your rest of your life,noob!
And then they all fucked the next day
it suck ass
I loved it please do more
Well your here too so somethings wrong with you too
Could you make the bunny with big boobs?