If I hadn't relapsed into my porn addiction again, I never would've rediscovered this story. Read it when I was a teen and it still hits the same now. God damn wholesome. Still hate myself for being a hopeless gooner, but this story is too good to defile with my self gratification. Maybe I have self control when it counts.
Mate at this point just turn this into a book instead, why tf are we 300 pages in and you're STILL INTRODUCING CHARACTERS. This isnt a porn comic, this is just a novel with occasional nudity
true imo the lore saves it like the power or magic system is pretty neat on the other hand wayyyyy to much sex i get its a porn comic BUT SHIT we had to wait 200 sum pannels FOR THEM TO FINALLY FUCK
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If I hadn't relapsed into my porn addiction again, I never would've rediscovered this story. Read it when I was a teen and it still hits the same now. God damn wholesome. Still hate myself for being a hopeless gooner, but this story is too good to defile with my self gratification. Maybe I have self control when it counts.
im to invested to have already read everything! I NEED MORE PLEASE!
Stoping on page 260 for now, and DAAAAM its the best ive ever read in my life, i want this to have a happy ending, cant wait for the conclusion
The best comic seen in my life
I swear this comic along with a few others has been updating ever since i discovered this site
Peak comic btw
Page 328: Welcome to N.E.R.D.
bro i agree with wario and the brit. it gets a little ya know annoying flipping 300 pages for 1 more image but overall love ya work
just go to the first page and flip back
Mate at this point just turn this into a book instead, why tf are we 300 pages in and you're STILL INTRODUCING CHARACTERS. This isnt a porn comic, this is just a novel with occasional nudity
very true
Fr fr, i love it
I do like it, don't get me wrong, but 328 ages is a lot. At least make shorter "episodes"
shit was so peak made an account
2014 actually
Only eleven more years hahaaha
this shit pisses on that furry wank
true imo the lore saves it like the power or magic system is pretty neat on the other hand wayyyyy to much sex i get its a porn comic BUT SHIT we had to wait 200 sum pannels FOR THEM TO FINALLY FUCK
This might be the best coming I've ever read, idec if there's porn or not, this shit is peak
If reincarnated in a world with my smartphone can get a anime this can
fresh ahh comments from anons who clearly dont understand the peak. also 326 pages and theres another twist. this bitch bouta push 500+ pages
Absolute peak jesus
The backstory is cute and all for the characters but for fuck sakes after 300 pages give it a break
Where is the tags?
The shrine on page 158 is crazy.
Its shown on 74 to
Im black
i want a monster in my life😭