What is your opinion on the state of the U.S.? How do you feel about the direction the country is heading? Maybe what do you think are the biggest challenges facing the U.S. government right now?
I know I know cookie cutter questions but I need to be on neutral ground while listening.
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If a clown car works on the principle of "Smaller car, more clowns", then one could compare the US government to a Hotwheels Car
I like trump and elon but they are just so controversial. But lemme clear something up, Elon did NOT do the Hitler salute, that was a Roman salute and if you cared enough to listen to him with an open mind maybe you would understand that this dude has autism and therefore is also autistically obsessed with the Romans. trump just says some crazy stuff, but he has good intentions. On another note, I would LOVE to hear your opinions on this matter.
as an autistic person, that's the dumbest fucking excuse ever and insulting as shit
a n_zi salute and a roman salute are practically the same thing anyway. adolf just took the gesture and made it a slightly different angle. and even if they were different things, mussolini used the roman salute directly, since that was his whole thing. so either way, elon's a fascist or a n_zi. pick your poison
i feel like trump is elons puppet
nah, they're each using each other for their own gain. trump is using elon for his money and image, and elon is behind trump to get at all the departments in the government that are suing him and costing him money
Trump hired elon, sure he could have just made him do that but trumps too much of a wildcard to endorse/sell out to people, which does happen, for instance Kamala, or Biden. They sold out to big investors like Big Pharma, BLM, and LGB+ movements(Yes that was intentional, if you noticed what I'm talking about.)
Bởi vì E Lon Múk là người Đắk Lắk mà!
The US is on a trajectory to become like Russia: a state run by billionaires solely for their personal enrichment. And there's nothing sensible people can do, because we're a democracy and half the country either thinks they want this or thinks it won't affect them. Congress has ceded its authority and the Democrats refuse to adopt successful Republican tactics even now, when everything they took an oath to defend is being murdered.
That you think you're running a democracy over there is cute same with it not being run by the rich already loo how naive
ố ồ
Thanks for contributing to the discussion. I hadn't considered your perspective that caring about things is totally gay.
We're not long for this world, all i ever read or hear about our government is theres either going to be an attempt at a revolution, another great depression or someones going to attack us before we get the chance to do it to ourselves, everything sucks and it sucks hard
i got my juice boxes and my games though so we ball
Yeah discussing american politics on a russian site. How topical
dude there are like two russians left and the site is 95% english it is not a russian site anymore
Comics in russian get released, there is a telegram for this site with mostly russians in it and yeah, the sites hosted by russians.
I don't care about it i just made a funny observation.
yeah but the site is largely made of people who speak english in some form, and theres two active people a year on that telegram anyway
> there are like two russians left
Yeah, and they run the site
they speak in english just like we do, so I dont care where there from
Thi thoảng thấy Bàn phím của Admins có 33 chữ cái thay vì 26 chữ cái
my opinion? the entire thing is hillarious, and is great for getting people worked up about somthing
I think I can speak for the whole community here; we do not like Trump. At all.
Great, another guy on here ruining my respect for them because of politics. Your just wrong.
Hmm, you're kinda right. I don’t think a porn site should be involved with politics. I’ll do better.
I mean y'all as a community* never fail to disappoint.
They never disapoint
no u
nah trumps a decent troll
me no like trump
Personally I want a president who would kinda just fuck off