Twilight's Book of Transmogrification Chapter 1: Day of the Dog Author: DailevyMy Little Pony: Friendship is MagicWon't be finishedSwitch to main galleryCharacters: Princess CelestiaDiscordPinkie PieTags: AnimalsKidnappingOral Select ratingGive Twilight's Book of Transmogrification Chapter 1: Day of the Dog 1/5Give Twilight's Book of Transmogrification Chapter 1: Day of the Dog 2/5Give Twilight's Book of Transmogrification Chapter 1: Day of the Dog 3/5Give Twilight's Book of Transmogrification Chapter 1: Day of the Dog 4/5Give Twilight's Book of Transmogrification Chapter 1: Day of the Dog 5/5 Average: 4.3 (116 votes) Read more about Twilight's Book of Transmogrification Chapter 1: Day of the Dog 198841 views