Scissor SevenSwitch to alternative gallery Select ratingGive Scissor Seven 1/5Give Scissor Seven 2/5Give Scissor Seven 3/5Give Scissor Seven 4/5Give Scissor Seven 5/5 Average: 3.9 (242 votes) 178059 views
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Let's fuck it😆😆😆
im masturbating
Where is xiao fei
I regret searching my favourite anime here
(See rating of The Mighty B)
16 images and not one of them are of Cola, good job guys I'm proud.
Just wait for it
Somehow page 2 is really unnerving
Bro i miss this show so much, cant wait for the movie that the final hinted to ~.~
i have 2 things to say
1. cant wait for season 4
2. for the pics that are being shown im surprised that Chairman Jiang in her transformed state wasn't include
hey if you didn't know the whole season 4 has already come out, there are like 10 episodes, dunno if it's dubbed, watched subbed.
This is the only show I watch dubbed.
Because I hate how spoken Mandarin sounds, but the Japanese dub voices dont fit the characters whereas the English are really good.
I agree. Mandarin just sounds kind of weird. (No offense to people who speak mandarin)
finally theres a section here for scissor seven
said no one ever
hello warden ive been trying to contact you
We don't need none of that car insurance shit, don't EVEN TRY!
gimme a thigh job himiko toga
Time to say goodbye anon