As a Canadian with zero shits to give about this election but still think trump should have to subsist off of school lunches for the rest of his life, I wanted to know what you guys think of the election and, if you're American, who you're voting for.
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subtle foreshadowing:
Sắp được 250 năm tuổi và đã trải qua 47 ông già
I love how everyone on a porn site can agree trump sucks, yet the majority of the country still voted him
imma quote offending everybody on this one. "Donald Trump has officially won the 2024 election. and you know what that means boys, oppression. but who'll be the first to get don's tiny fist? the press? Latinos? DARIO??" - 2024 Offending Everybody
I'm Mexican and probably should care about the election, but I have trained myself to not give a fuck about things out of my control, what am I gonna do? Protest? Like that will do anything, I just don't care.
"As a Canadian with zero shits to give about this election"
The fool said with full confidence.
Yeah, that didn't age well.
Những lời ông Trump nói ddeefu trở thành hiện thực
ukraine is a vip
Trump is nothing more than a clown and a warmonger trying to pin the blame on a man who's having his country bombed by one of the most powerful nations in the world
while not even allowing him to speak
I've never been so embarrassed as I am today to be American. And I jerk off to loli porn!
Forgot to log in.
Despite my... conflicting opinions on you, if given a gun with 2 bullets and put in a room with you and Trump, I'd still shoot him twice
I'm just curious, how are people in America reacting? I haven’t seen any major movements against him, just a general sentiment of “Damn, he sucks,” but no real action.
Oops, turns out they are protesting right now. But some are against Elon because they see him as a fascist?
Is that really their biggest concern?
Anyway, back to the main question: how are people responding in their daily lives, especially those who voted for Trump?
Disgust. Anger. There's some protests that aren't getting a lot of news coverage. Nobody is sure what to do.
Correct me if I be wrong me dear Saint, ye was living during 2016-2020 right?
stop believin' 🎤
kill vance with the second bullet
then kill the rest with your hands
yeah like youll do shit faggot. sure youl bitch and moan about trump but your n|gger ass aint gonna do shit
yeah thats why i told him to do it dumbass
One for the body, another for the soul, yes yes?
Oh it's two for the body. I doubt he still has a soul anymore.
But yes in the Lords Caliber® of .50 HESH rounds
You've gotta point there.
Fuck that shit, I'm bare-knuckle brawling his bitch-ass until I see bloody pulp, then I'll make sure forcefeed it to every billionaire and GOP member on this planet.
Dont mean to get to political but:
Explain this then
Looking at whatever the fuck is going on on America, i can't believe im saying this but... Im glad im polish
I completely agree with you
jesus christ I thought it would be bad, it's already ten times worse than anything I could have imagined. Y'all are screwed
We sure are. Fuck.
Sau 3 năm tại U cà chua na, Ông Chum đái ra quần
what the fuck
do you think trump is really gonna try to annex Canada or that he can even do that lol
nah he probably wont. that was more a "its an idea" style thing and then it got blown out of proportion by media trying to find a crazy story
Who the fuck knows anymore?
Somehow people decided assholes make great politicians. Wuuhu man i love that the nªzi party is taking over in germany soon
I can't wait to come back here after 4 years, y'all are hilarious.
Aslong as the chaos doesn't reach europe i do not give a fuck. Its already chaotic enough here with a push from literally every right wing party. People are so goddamn stupid
it might seem crazy what i'm 'bout to say
do do do doo do do do doo
Đơn giản ông Trump rất nhiều tiền và rất nhiều quyền lực.
i hate getting political most of the time, but is trump just completely batshit insane?
he kicked us out of WHO, is putting heavy tariffs on our biggest trading partners, letting ICE do whatever the fuck it wants, and is trying to start more fucking culture wars with the "only two genders" and "gulf of america" bullshit, upon other insane things he's done his other like 20 exuctive orders
he's signed more executive orders in his first month than some presidents did in their first year
it really just seems like he's actively trying to fuck literally everyone besides his little circle of friends, or start goddamn WW3. genually, what the fuck is he doing?
1 thats my job
2 man speaks facts with only 2 genders (with the always unspoken exception for biological hermaphrodites) gulf of america funny prank.
3 the entire conservative promise this time around is "gotta go fast"
He's doing America. He's doing America.