Why would someone not from plaistine or isireal care about the conflict. Well if your american its because we are funding the conflict in the 1st place im like 90% sure most of there armaments are from us at the very least the iron dome is our tech. Also if shit pops off hard enough it could lead to ww3. How you may ask well if isireal expands the conflict to the rest of the middle east it would cuase the us to have to help them with any larger scale wars that would happen and what ever contrys are allied with them jump and so on and so on
Political shit doesn't belong on a porn site but Fuck Isreal and death to the Jews they have no righg to be even stepping foot on Palestinian Land. FREE PALESTINE DEATH TO ISREAL!!
No fr tho, there are probably hundreds of conflicts going on around the world. Probably dozens of genocides as well? Nobody in America gave a shit about them but for some reason they give a shit about this one? If you're going to act superior at least do it right. Don't just talk about Palestine but the Rohingya genocide as well. I personally DO CARE. I don't think the genocides should be happening(outstanding statement, I know) But i'm not gonna froth over people not caring and bother them over it
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Cuando saldrá la parte 4
This site needs to update the video system shit always crashing
Use lust as material to exercise în my opinion this îs good material
I'm not normally into these type of things, but this one just does something... that makes me nut so damn hard
is the video failing for anyone else???
If it's the same guy in all 3 videos he is one horny mf
bro's pose was the family guy one
I didnt expect to nut this much... Ma balls hurt
Bro It's normal I promise
Why would someone not from plaistine or isireal care about the conflict. Well if your american its because we are funding the conflict in the 1st place im like 90% sure most of there armaments are from us at the very least the iron dome is our tech. Also if shit pops off hard enough it could lead to ww3. How you may ask well if isireal expands the conflict to the rest of the middle east it would cuase the us to have to help them with any larger scale wars that would happen and what ever contrys are allied with them jump and so on and so on
Political shit doesn't belong on a porn site but Fuck Isreal and death to the Jews they have no righg to be even stepping foot on Palestinian Land. FREE PALESTINE DEATH TO ISREAL!!
You're jerking off while saying that
All you fuckers can die. Fucking war causers
finally got around to watching this
its about what I expected, which wasnt much, though I liked how expressive her ears are
but she should probably go to a hospital and get checked for internal bleeding
Why are people talking about genocide in a porn website wth
They're bots spewing these comments and they're in every site that can host comments
The solution to the Israel Palestine conflict is to fucking curb stomp every single member of the WEF one by one
Unfathomably Based
If it wasn't for that bug it's should have been a 40 minute long video and I want to thank him for that
No fr tho, there are probably hundreds of conflicts going on around the world. Probably dozens of genocides as well? Nobody in America gave a shit about them but for some reason they give a shit about this one? If you're going to act superior at least do it right. Don't just talk about Palestine but the Rohingya genocide as well. I personally DO CARE. I don't think the genocides should be happening(outstanding statement, I know) But i'm not gonna froth over people not caring and bother them over it
I am NOT reading this comment section
Recommenting since it got buried.
If the video's still not loading, try this.
Bro stole our comment.
That's just fucking rude!
He even looks like a dick.
Speaking of which...
thank yoh
clicked for the video, buffering was too slow, read comments out of boredom, read comments, stay for the comments and forget the video