What if pearl gave up her physical for and made another steven basically that'd be cool seeing what different half human gems would look like depending on the gem
I beg your pardon? A porn game character? I'm afraid you are operating under bad intelligence, do I gotta remind you what is helltaker? Yes, it's a game where it's all about demon girls and whatnot, but a porn game? Are you insinuating that I have been into a porn game? You understand that parodies are out of the question, because if we go down that road... YOU —an account-less anon— have also been part into the hentai business? Cat got your tongue now? It doesn't matter if it's not you, you are an anon, anons have been within the business far more than my own age. As for why do I have an account? I just find it amusing and entertaining, who wouldn't have an account here?
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welp, time to throw my rock collection out the window :)

we are the crystal gems
We'll always save the day
And if you think we can’t
We'll aleays find a way
That's why the people of this world
Believe in
garnet ametyst and pearl
And Steven
I beat my meat to a rock which is over thousand of years
means you're a kinky geologist
Most likely a lost episode or something
I'm not letting this destruction me form making my Loud House dissertation about the loud house comics!!!
What if pearl gave up her physical for and made another steven basically that'd be cool seeing what different half human gems would look like depending on the gem
Tbh I would have wanted a blowjob
Dang how did she voice pearl
Idk man- Blue insides?
I beg your pardon? A porn game character? I'm afraid you are operating under bad intelligence, do I gotta remind you what is helltaker? Yes, it's a game where it's all about demon girls and whatnot, but a porn game? Are you insinuating that I have been into a porn game? You understand that parodies are out of the question, because if we go down that road... YOU —an account-less anon— have also been part into the hentai business? Cat got your tongue now? It doesn't matter if it's not you, you are an anon, anons have been within the business far more than my own age. As for why do I have an account? I just find it amusing and entertaining, who wouldn't have an account here?
It's not worth it, just forget it
I don't have an account because having an account means evidence that I look at porn.
In fact, you're like many of us, so just watch your porn and try not to offend anyone.
Imagine going off on someone on a porn site instead of getting off on someone now shut up nobody cares about your opinion demon girl profile picture
You need to know to differenciate fact and opinion, silly annon
My Man Really Came Back To Finish The Thread.
That's Cringe.
No Bitches?
Nun of us have bitches we're looking at porn ???