What makes a something "One of the greats?": An Analysis

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Mafia Consigliere's picture
Joined: 11/10/2022
What makes a something "One of the greats?": An Analysis

This from an "Overwhelming praise" point, since user tagging can be wonky at times. I think one of the things that separates One of the greats from generally good comics is when it goes hard on the part that it's good at. Like, the three main things that usually makes a good comic (and not just serviceable) is that it has actual porn in it, its art isn't exceedingly mediocre/bad (subjective), and its plot pretty interesting and not something you'd find on LifeSelector. If a comic's art style is consistently great, its story actually keeps you engaged and interested, or the sex scenes are just that damn good, you'll see a lot of users commenting how much they enjoyed it.

I'd say tags are also important, but more in whether it'll be a popular banger, a good niche, awfully bad, or something that'll 100% be saved on the hard drives of mfers like Ova. Wholesome, feel-good content will usually pick up the slack if you're lacking in one area, but if you have divisive tags (furry, futa, etc) it'll usually hardcap how popular it is. That's why if you compare Area to Funkybun, even though the latter is arguably more visually engaging than the former, Area's plots feel more personal and their tags are pretty non-divisive, meaning their comics receive more immediate praise throughout its development while Funkybun has to wait a day or two to wait for the initial hatewave to die down before receiving generally positive reviews. On a side note, great comics are usually over 10 pages, while high quality ones that are like 5 pages are just regarded as good ones; line goes up and all that nonsense.

On the flip side you have the "no-no" tags, the secret 4th important aspect that separates the good from the notorious. This is separate from divisive tags because it usually incorporates some sort of internal dilemma of how okay it is to be getting off to it. Say what you will about femdom, but you'll never see someone self-censor that word over something like "loly," "mini male," or "very close relatives." It can work in some cases, but it has to be very limited in its titillation/usage and put in overtime on its story and/or art, and even that has its caveats. Breaking in Tim (a banger) isn't in the same pit as Xierra or Sultry Summer because its "mini male" and "Teacher-Student dynamics" aren't the total focal point of the comic's horniness, there's an actual story to follow, and Melkor's art is undeniable fire. Meanwhile, while I can't deny that the art quality for Xierra and Incognitymous is pretty consistent, no amount of art can save the fact their usual titillation explicitly comes from, uhh well… I'm sure Mister Greenfeld will be all too happy to explain that part if and when he sees this. 

Anywho, I made a 4-way venn diagram to illustrate what I mean for all the visual learners and short attention-spanned anons. Feel free to tell me how I'm taking this too seriously or that I misplaced something on the chart. Also shoutout to Fiyo for giving me his thoughts on what makes a good porn comic, thanks man.

The 4 important MP Aspects.png


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Pepsiman's picture
Joined: 07/12/2023

Pepsiman agrees with this, and endorses it.

Én comics's picture
Joined: 18/01/2024


HELIX Medic's picture
Joined: 17/11/2023

Shadman can lit die in a fire imo.

HELIX Medic's picture
Joined: 17/11/2023

IMO for something to be "one of the greats" it can just be sex the whole time. A good story with some hopefully not mid art always catches my interest. But it shouldnt be one of the greats if it includes tags like "mini male, rape, lolycon or very close realitves. Ive always believed the more wholesome ones with actual effort are better than 90% of the shit ya'll put into "one of the greats"

HELIX Medic's picture
Joined: 17/11/2023

I done typed this before reading your thing mb. I lit just said the exact same things about tags.

FIYO's picture
Joined: 13/12/2023

you're welcome man. and I congratulate you dude, you obviously put a lot of time and effort into this, and you made some great points. very good job


and no, you aint taking this too seriously man. its just the right amount.

Mafia Consigliere's picture
Joined: 11/10/2022

Ayyyyyyyeee, glad to see you liked my write-up. I remember reading a comment by Danielfouck about what it takes for a porn comic to be considered great and decided to do some analysis. I was kinda worried that the venn diagram would be too much, but once I got the idea of taking a cheeky potshot at Mister Greenfeld and Better Days I knew I couldn't back down. (⸝⸝๑  ̫ ๑⸝⸝⸝)

Mister Greenfeld's picture
Joined: 26/04/2023

> I'm sure Mister Greenfeld will be all too happy to explain that part if and when he sees this. 


Transgressiveness. Things that are taboo are inherently sexy, and what's more taboo than "very close relatives", lollys, and r*pe? Only scat and guro, which aren't on this site and I don't personally get off to either. I don't even like horror movies.

Himiko Toga's picture
Joined: 28/04/2023

I like some guro. I think sex involving blood can be pretty hot. Cuts around the throat, thighs, arms, and stomach. Bruises can also be pretty hot. Trying to hold back tears. The concept of pain and arousal at the same time? It doesn't hit the same when it's rape, but if it's consensual it's pretty hot. 


Mister Greenfeld's picture
Joined: 26/04/2023

It makes me sick to my stomach, but it's fictional, so I don't worry about its existence. That something disgusts me isn't enough reason to ban it, and I don't want to spend valuable gooning time attacking the people who like it.

Én comics's picture
Joined: 18/01/2024

Bà này dùng MS paint cơ à?


Mafia Consigliere's picture
Joined: 11/10/2022

I used MS paint for the base, but I switched to Pixlr for the text and images