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Gwen Stacy asks Spidey to take some swimsuit photos of her to cover expenses, then turns out her plan was actually getting laid with him. A small incident reveals she isn't who she claims to be and even more fucking and weirdness follows

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you see your honer, these people are batshit crazy. we plead insanity.
brother why are you on EVERY ONE I OPEN!!!
This shit is wack
L Plot, could've been better
Nah shit Mid
like 85% of this site is kinda mid.
I'm going great too, thanks for asking
I'm bored so who wants to play ?
Don't worry bro , I can wait until you're done with what you're doing
Good evening everyone
bigga ballz super
The dragon balls are real
Lol nice
the mongolians where really out there committing bio terrorism and accidentally killing half the fucking world
they didn't know that the black death would spread to Europe killing a shitload of people if they did then thats actually an insane plan
Im starting to think my dog is a god of creation because he always materialises tennis balls out of thin air.
Kudos to the guy who came up with himalayan salt lamps.
Dude knew live laugh love moms and hipsters alike would buy it in groves and he was damn right, my mans probably made a fortune by now by drilling a hole in a large grain of salt and sticking a light bulb in it.
shit gets you high too
Ngl this was good
I binged through all of batch 3 yetserday and I loved the Made in Heaven arc, finally seeing it animated was fire, but I'm not a huge fan of the opening. Don't get me wrong, it was a wonderful (world) send off to the main universe, but I personally much prefer most of the previous parts OPs, they just felt a lot better to listen to and watch.
I kinda felt the same about the OP at first, but it definitely grew on me the more I listened to it. But I'm sure you can agree that it's at least better than Chase in part 4.
Theres no way spiderman wears a skin-tight suit and has a cock that big. Just saying