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I find it really funny that they argue about a porn comic about a dragon
No need for all that its just letters
Thicc + Loli = Shortstack
her name is ilulu dumbass
Japanese doesn't have L or R, so they're one letter.
yeah, I know, but this is clearly in english, and the way her name is spelled in english is ilulu
mf no one cares how the porn comic main character is spelt, how you be gatekeeping the localisation of a name in the first place? dumbassery maximation
that's like saying "shining diamond" instead of crazy diamond, you bizzare fuck
how is that gatekeeping? using the spelling of the name used in the language its in. Its dumber to translate an entire comic (or worse WRITE an entire comic) using the wrong spelling of the name. its not even hard, theres basically no reason that should have been messed up unless the translator is shit
Really good art just confusing on how to read it
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