The chipmunk on reminds me of the adult swim skit i saw of it where she comes in with no pants and each of the guys run off into diff rooms for for some alone time (wink)
I can say that there is no "X" Rating associated for games. According to the ESRB, the two most extreme ratings for games are M for Mature, and AO for Adults Only. So probably not a real game. You won't catch me searching for that in the Xbox Store.
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Number 86 is canon.
Went through part one and 2 without even smiling like this shit is just corny 2010's humor
num 100 is a thing i would do
I'd love to see page 87 as a real movie
Page 4 is wild
ive got nothing better to do:
any pages not covered were unremarkable
pg4: what the shit
pg5: lol
pg6: lol pt.2
pg7: landing in a giant pile of golden coins from a diving board would probably kill you
pg8: what they do to my man dewitt
pg18: funny
pg21: no he wont
pg22: man why
pg26: RIP
pg27: just kill me
pg38: fucking what
pg46: garabage is very correct
pg47: ow
pg58: the correct response
pg63: that's just fucked up man
pg62, 64pg, 65pg, pg66, pg67, pg76: what's with all the sexualized objects?
pg86: man...
pg94: man i fucking hate these, most of them arent funny, most of them are fucked
pg100: that was actually pretty funny
18 is actually funny
On page 55 where Jake is talking to fin i don't know why but i read it in a British accent
- bob
100 is genius for ppl who got there
Ik right, just wear a cat puppet and touch away
Page youch that a real bear trap
Is page 30 suppose to be kenny from.south park i kind feel it might be
The chipmunk on reminds me of the adult swim skit i saw of it where she comes in with no pants and each of the guys run off into diff rooms for for some alone time (wink)
I could have lived my entire life without seeing Candace with a dick
Is loli club an actual game for Xbox 360?
I can say that there is no "X" Rating associated for games. According to the ESRB, the two most extreme ratings for games are M for Mature, and AO for Adults Only. So probably not a real game. You won't catch me searching for that in the Xbox Store.
Lol page 42 chip&dale one was actualley a robot chicken animated skit when i first saw that