Groped my girlfriend in the movie theater watching The Batman. It all went downhill and I got super depressed because I felt like it was an unspeakable act and I hurt the only person who loved me.
I wanked my little pp to real photshopted futa girls, I even saved them on my phone (by taking screenshoots of the camera which points on the pictures), but then my mother deleted those pics.
idk, she prob was chill about, so I wouldn't try that again in near future, I mean not repeating that in the same year, and that worked, I didn't wanked to any porn for almost 10 years
It was 4th of july me and my buddies were drunk asf and we stole my friends gfs car and crashed it into a store and left it there. When police came we blamed said friend and now he has to serve 14 years in prison.
It's a tie between making an account for this site and mailing a horse cock dildo to my ex who still lives with her super Christian parents using her own amazon account because she cheated on me
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Dịch viên của thế giới
if your gonna speak, speak in the right language
Đéo! :))))
Jacking Off while taking a SHIT!!
Everyone's done that atleast once
no we haven't
Visiting the Epstein island. I mean don't get me wrong! I had a blast but it got a bit of bad press after the leaks and allegations...
Average youtube apologies
Groped my girlfriend in the movie theater watching The Batman. It all went downhill and I got super depressed because I felt like it was an unspeakable act and I hurt the only person who loved me.
Oh srry :(
Starting watching porn.... Help
Cut ur weiner off easy
just stop lol
I shit in my pants once and tried to throw it at my friends to blame them
I don't want to know how you tried to do that
Im done with humanity after reading your comments
I became catholic, now i can't jerk off without feeling bad after i am done...
You feel bad?
I'm a Muslim. That means that my hand will be pregnant in the afterlife just because I jerked off
Harm you will burn in hello by gods wrath
no way are we discussing which ones of us are going to hell on this website, we are all going dude.
god damn lol
I wanked my little pp to real photshopted futa girls, I even saved them on my phone (by taking screenshoots of the camera which points on the pictures), but then my mother deleted those pics.
so you got a small dick you dint have to tell us that keep it to your self little boy
L mans for deleting pics
How unbelievably chill is your mother that she did not send you to the gulag after finding those pictures?
idk, she prob was chill about, so I wouldn't try that again in near future, I mean not repeating that in the same year, and that worked, I didn't wanked to any porn for almost 10 years
It was 4th of july me and my buddies were drunk asf and we stole my friends gfs car and crashed it into a store and left it there. When police came we blamed said friend and now he has to serve 14 years in prison.
I hope you never see the light of day
Bomb threats, mostly.
Fr could've done something more cooler
rip-off a teacher's necklace in pre k
Posting 1246 lines of javascript code on multporn forums
Your mother.
Ehh probably ever getting internet access it went all downhill when i found pornography via a DS
Le Doge
HA, Where do I begin?
I inadvertently caused the death of my uncle, I'm Sorry Juan for your father I didn't know.
It's a tie between making an account for this site and mailing a horse cock dildo to my ex who still lives with her super Christian parents using her own amazon account because she cheated on me
Second one isnt a bad one but the first one is horrid
Thats something to be objectively proud of, Ive done it too.
The dildo thing I mean.
I see no reason to regret the second one.