Section: Porn AnimationAuthor: NSTAT Select ratingGive Marge Simpson and alien's 1/5Give Marge Simpson and alien's 2/5Give Marge Simpson and alien's 3/5Give Marge Simpson and alien's 4/5Give Marge Simpson and alien's 5/5 Average: 3.5 (914 votes) 328235 views
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This was literally my introduction to tentacle porn
Funny I love tⁿ
this shit is shit
I will babysit Maggie
Homer is dumbfounded asf
This is my favourite Simpson episode
Ok That enough pron for tonight
this one was looking good
Gotta say, great animating; 7.5/10
the good thing is the animation was good but the bad thing is im now hunted forever
Marge loved it!
Marge Simpson is gross but the animation was good, who made this?
If he decided to animate a some more attactive female character it would be a 10/10!
I love this video I watch it every time I see it
whats the background music
Ur garbage
Well that was something else
Q sabroCENA dijo JOHN CENA